Saturday, September 17, 2022


 Yeah I’ve been missing. And for me to be missing means I’ve fallen off the wagon yet again……

I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m the heaviest I have been in years and years. I just can’t stop eating.
Hubby and I are heading off on holidays again in 2 weeks. Going to pack up the camper and head north again. Hopefully I’ve got enough clothes that fit.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

I’m still here

 I’m still recovering from the flu, it just won’t let go. Only sniffly nose and a frog in throat cough now but it’s annoying. Run out of “fuel” quickly too…..seem to be constantly tired. 

I’ve reached pension age so have stopped working….though my employees have asked me to stay on and do one shift a week. I’ve agreed to that, I work a 4 hour shift Tuesdays it gives me a few extra dollars. 

Still ongoing with the yo-yo of weight loss, gained last week, lost this week. 

Taking time off at the end of the month and going to head off up North again and do more fishing, exploring, resting and relaxing 😌