Saturday, May 05, 2018

Alls well...

Kylee had some professional pics done of our little "Snugglebug" taken. What a beautiful job she cute is this little girl.  She is her mummy all over at that age...certainly takes me back.
An absolutely gorgeous day today, the weather was perfect. Shawn had his girls, I had William so after lunch we took off down the beach, a 10 minute drive away to enjoy it while we can....rain and wind forecasted for tomorrow.
William had an absolute ball...he just ran and ran the whole 3 hours we were there. He should sleep well tonight thats for sure. He talked too...heck this kid can talk, its constant yak yak yak...drives ya batty after awhile. 

Now isn't time flying...little Miss is now just a few days off 6 weeks. She smiles, she gurgles and talks to you now, just an absolute delight. 
William is as besotted as ever...hope that bond stays.

Weigh in was Saturday, weight was down reached a number I haven't been at in a long long time. Hope I can keep this up, would be nice to see a bit more gone before we board the plane for our trip of a lifetime in 2 weeks time. 


  1. Beautiful baby!!! great pics.


  2. So adorable!!! And what a fun time you had with the kiddos on the beach! Sounds great!
