Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Still struggling...

I seem to be fighting a loosing battle with myself and my weight...
I rejoined weight watchers for the 12 months knowing that paying out that money on a monthly contract that I would have to attend!! 
But I am struggling...a lot of emotional eating and I can't seem seem to get out of the pattern. Why do I do this to myself. I so want to get myself healthy again and feeling good about myself....BUT I seem to fall into that bikkie barrel time and time again....


  1. Keep pushing forward. Don’t despair and start over again!!! I had so many ‘false starts’. But I have finally found something that is working...slowly but surely. I always desperately wasn’t until something clicked (seeing pictures and realizing how out of shape I really was) that the false starts turned to a new final start! Spend some time thinking about your reasons for wanting to lose weight...look at your current pictures. And then think about where you want to be and what you want yourself to look like in pictures!!! Focus on where you want to be!!!

  2. Hey , if you want to promote your business or looking for clients to promote there business with you , wanna become an Influencer

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