This post I can just about write word for word what your post said MaryFran. (MaryFran is a blogger friend of mine I follow).
I am so tired and weary....tired of being fat, and looking fat...and unwell....makes me weary. Bone tired weary. Some days I just can't be bothered doing anything, its an effort to get up and move. Its really dragging me down...and its not fair on the kids, my hubby....or for that myself.
I have been fighting my weight for years now, but these past few months especially since I have been diagnosed with GERD my weight has blown out of control. I am not managing it...and I feel horrid. I look terrible. We had a funeral on Friday, the father of a close friend of over 38 years, and I really didn't want to go as nothing fits me. I felt ashamed of myself that my weight had gotten out of control and just wanted to hide away.
I am off to my Doctor this morning, I need a few prescriptions so I plan on having a good talk with her. I'm lost and I need to find my way again.