Tuesday, June 09, 2020

I am tired, I am weary....

This post I can just about write word for word what your post said MaryFran. (MaryFran is a blogger friend of mine I follow).
I am so tired and weary....tired of being fat, and looking fat...and unwell....makes me weary. Bone tired weary. Some days I just can't be bothered doing anything, its an effort to get up and move. Its really dragging me down...and its not fair on the kids, my hubby....or for that myself.
I have been fighting my weight for years now, but these past few months especially since I have been diagnosed with GERD my weight has blown out of control. I am not managing it...and I feel horrid. I look terrible. We had a funeral on Friday, the father of a close friend of over 38 years, and I really didn't want to go as nothing fits me. I felt ashamed of myself that my weight had gotten out of control and just wanted to hide away.

I am off to my Doctor this morning, I need a few prescriptions so I plan on having a good talk with her. I'm lost and I need to find my way again.


  1. Oh Jen realky feel for you and I suspect youre also suffering from depression. Glad youre going to see your doctor xxx

  2. Girl, I think you wrote it more eloquently than I did! This weight loss journey isn't for the weak is it????

    I wish I had the magic words...but I'm grasping for them myself. The only thing I can say is that we can't give up...no matter how difficult this journey is....we have to keep pushing forward! We've got this!

  3. Am so sorry to hear things are not good with you, it sucks, why does weight-loss have to be so hard..... all we can do is keep getting up and start again, and hope one day it all clicks :).

  4. You and me both babe. Chin up, you, like me, KEEP ON TRYING. We never give up. We may be bloody yo-yo's, but we are cute ones. lol
