It’s darn cold here....most of my spare time has been sitting by the fire reading and playing on my IPad. Been suffering with a wicked cough and sniffly nose for the past week. Had it the week before too, thought I had got rid of it...but Nahh it’s back. Cough is soon as the cool air comes in I start...and very little seems to stop it. I’m over it bigtime.
And I’m missing my walking...been ages since I’ve been able to get out and have a jabber with my buddy.
The full house of mine is ticking over ok.
Simon got his first wage from his new job and paid board. He still drinking and I think too much, but it’s his choice. He knows I don’t like it, my Dad was a alcoholic and I never been a fan of alcohol. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a drink or 2 or 3 now and then, but I can’t drink every night like he does. Thankfully Shawn is not following him, he has a few ports with him most nights, but not every night.
Skye is causing no drama’s. Still a lazy teenager and needs prodding now and then to help out more.
Kylee is renovating...doing both kids rooms up.
She fulled up floor boards, and is now laying vinyl strips in their rooms. Bedroom suites are on order.
Wouldn’t have been able to afford it....but a few months ago a pipe in the bathroom sprung a leak behind the tiles and between the walls causing damage to her floors. Insurance paid out so after fixing the leaking pipes she has enough left over to do the kids rooms.
I’m on a roll with my new health regime...Dr is happy, I’m happy, my scales are happy and going down. Over 5 kilos down and feeling good. Long may it last.