Thursday, October 15, 2020

A gain ..... I expected. 

Wasn't a major gain....but this week it will be. I have had daughters kids full-time while she away at Tafe. Its been full on...I have forgotten how time consuming they are. My food prep, and my tracking has gone out the window. Ive been snacking on their leftovers, eating their treats...ohhh this is not going to good AT ALL!! 

And tonight is Shawn's birthday and we have cake...oohhhh dear. 

Next week when things won't be so hectic I will get my act together....and get some more weight off !! 

Anyways will leave you with a few more pics of our long weekend away. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a crazy week with the kids but also fun!!!! Pick up the pieces of the bad week and move on! Turn the ship around!!!!! You’ve got this!!!!!!!
