Monday, February 10, 2025

I’m back…

 I’m back….just here to update for myself. Not many people follow blogs anymore do they? Actually I have considered not blogging anymore as not many visit here but I do like to keep a record of a few things and this place is great for that. 

Anyways, weight has been up and down, just like a yo-yo, up some grams, down some grams just not getting anywhere. I was getting disheartened but I hadn’t given in. 

Then on the 17th January, I had just finished packing up my car as I intended to leave early next morning for a weekend away at my sisters, when the phone rang and my brother in law told me my sister had had a cardiac arrest and would be transported by ambulance to my local hospital. My sister has had a little trouble with her heart going out of rhythm previously but on Friday evening her heart just would not go back into rhythm and she actually died for a few minutes, twice!!  

Anyways my brother in law asked me to go into the hospital Saturday morning and sit with her till he and their younger son got there. 

This is what I saw when I first walked in. It scared the be-jesus out of me. They had her in an induced coma and there were tubes and machines blipping everywhere. I just sat down and held her hand and I’m sure she knew I was there as her eyes blinked and her hand squeezed mine. I just couldn’t stop my eyes from tearing up. 

Anyways I stopped with her till her hubby and son arrived later in the afternoon.

They took her out of the coma the next day and with physio she was soon up and walking around with her heart monitor. She was then transferred to a heart specialist in Perth where she had a ICD ( implantable cardioverter defibrillator) fitted. It will monitor her heart’s electrical activity and send electrical impulses to correct abnormal rhythms. Had that fitted one day and home the next.

Sis is still coming to terms with all that happened. Fortunately she can’t remember what happened, though she knows how hard the Drs at her local hospital worked on her as she has a fractured sternum and few broken ribs from the CPR.  For a few days after she came out of the coma she had a very poor memory but thankfully now that has too improved.

Below is on Saturday night. I drove down and spent the weekend with her. It was so good to see her looking so good. At night out at the speedway was good therapy for us pair of rev heads. 

This morning weigh in I lost over a kilo, the best loss I’ve had in weeks. But still it’s a long way down to where I was. A Dr visit tomorrow, I’m asking for bloods to be checked for a few things too. 

Till I visit again…..


  1. I’ve been checking your blog for updates. What a time you’ve had and your sister as well. Glad everything is ok now. Good going with a loss as well. I understand how shocked you would have been to see your dear sister. I visited my dear brother in Canberra Hospital ICU yesterday and even though I knew he was on a ventilator and very very ill, you can’t be prepared for the shock. I’m so thankful for our wonderful doctors, nurses etc in our wonderful country. Wishing your sister continued good health and you too

  2. I am so glad that you still blog! I sometimes wonder if anyone is reading mine anymore...but honestly, I PREFER blogs! I have been on a mission to find the weight loss bloggers that are out there. I know that there are probably tons of us, but it's just an issue of finding us! Maybe I'm nuts, but I would LOVE to build a community of bloggers again!

    SOOOO glad your sister is recovering. How scary!
