Yep sure is....I am going to do a Chris H today and update on and off all day seeing as I am home...well sort in and out most of the day. Hope you don't me being a copy cat Chris, but I love the way you do your posts.Today I was meant to going to the airport to pick up my darling daughter and her fiancee.....BUT daughter dear mucked up. Poor love rang me nearly in tears last night to say that she misread her flight bookings, thought she was flying in today but actually they were meant to fly in on Wednesday. Yep as luck would have it by the time they realised they had missed the flight they should have been on. Virgin airways staff when they rang them and enquired about what they could do were not at all helpful, "Terms and conditions are stated on our policy when we issue the tickets blah blah blah"..... which they knew, but thought just the same they might be helpful and understanding... Anyways they fly in late tomorrow arvo now.Big contrast to dear daughters mood from the night before last when she rang me. She was so excited...after 4 years of being with her partner Stephen...he finally proposed and gave her an engagement ring.
So its double celebration time, ooooops sorry triple celebration time for us....Bubs birth, hubby's 60th and now the engagement. Now if I could control my anxiety about my health issues and know my sleep walking wasn't going to be a problem!! Girls if I could get into the specialist earlier I would, have rang and tried, have spoken to him too, but have to wait till the 30th.
ohhh and thanks Lyn for the award....will pass that on...
Off now for coffee and then on with the running back later...
Right.....back again, quick stop for a loo break, load the grog in the fridge and I back out again. Am meeting Shawn, Hannah and the girls for a quick lunch....yay for more grandie cuddles. Visited Paul and Tanya and had new bub cuddles, the 2 girls, the "little mother hens" Paul calls them were at daycare. By the way bub has been named, he is now Mathew Paul. He is a gorgeous little fella....but according to mum and dad NOT a very good sleeper... Got Paul to come and help me choose all the beers for the party and load them into my little car for me....all done and in the fridge now.

Okies, outta here again now.....
Well back again...had a great lunch with Shawn, Hannah and girls. We sat on the water front and ate our takeaways....and let the girls run around on the lawns, they had a ball. Hasn't been a good day food wise for me, seems once I make one bad choice the whole day seems to go downhill. Once upon a time, not all that long back one bad choice was all it was then it was back on the wagon....bloody hell where am I going to find the strength !!
Have bought all the cooldrinks, chips and nibblies for the party, done all the organising that had to be done....spent a heap of money and now home tired but satisfied I have achieved so much.
End of day...Haven't been real good food or drink wise....but am real happy that I achieved all the chores I set myself to do....and managed some cuddle time with some of the grandies. Tomorrow another busy day....and a extra big weekend.