Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Plodding along....

Weigh in Saturday morning was a 100g loss!! 

Plod plod plodding along....
Life has been very busy, hasn't slowed down much at all....babysitting, tweenage and teenage kids, work, work....and sleepless nights with the little one who just won't sleep right through......well very little....


One thing we have done is bought ourselves a soft hot tub....
I can tell you nothing beats relaxing in this with a glass of wine once the little ones are in bed...its BLISS !!! 


  1. That looks so relaxing..... we were just talking about one of these the other day :)

  2. Oh wow!!! Enjoy the hot tub!!!! Jealous!!!

  3. I too have a soft tub! And love it! I wore out the first one, had it over 10 years! Mine sits outside and I get in it year-round. It is amazing to hop in when it's snowing out and I'm shivering, then after a few minutes it's so warm and I'm watching the constellations! Glad I discovered all these weight-loss blogs too!
