Monday, August 30, 2021

Another week down

 Another week down, 100% on track (after I sorted out 2 glitches in app…and adjusted my points) But hey I got there, and enjoyed the feeling of seeing the numbers on my scales move on down. 600g down this week. I’m loving the program. 

All well on home front. Had my first COVID jab last week and for a couple of days my arm hurt right down to the bone. But after day 2 I had a shower as hot as I could take it and let it run on my arm for a good 10 minutes. Pain disappeared thankfully. Being the AstraZeneca, next jab is not till November. Ted had his first jab a few days before me with no side effects at all. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021


I had a foster’s carer’s meeting the other day and I met the lovely couple that are looking after Jahzara. I asked her if there was any chance we could pop in on Sunday when Jaydene had her 2 hour visit with her. Told her I was still waiting to hear back from DCP regards visits. Anyway she invited us around, she only lives just down the road and round the corner, just on a kilometre away.
So lovely to get cuddles and see Jaydene interactive with her bubba. The love and pride shines out of her. 
Shawn was able to have his first ever cuddles, he never got to have cuddles before she was taken into care.
We only stayed long enough for cuddles and a quick chat as we didn’t want to take time away from Jaydene.

WW is going well, a kilo down on Saturdays weigh in. 


Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Where am I?


I’m still here. 
Been floundering big time since last post. My weight was going up and up and getting very close to a three figured number. A number I promised myself many years ago I would NEVER reach again. I tried calorie counting, I tried pre packaged meals, even 5.2 and intermittent fasting…but it never lasted more than a day or so. 
I then saw a promotional ad on the net about ww and I was seriously thinking about it and thought just do it !!  A friend saw it the same day as me and said she was looking into it too. Snap I told her…me too. 
Anyways both of us did sign up and we will be a week in tomorrow. I am doing digital, Robyn is doing meetings. I would like to do meetings but no coaches down in my location. Ironically my friend Robyn and I met in 2004/5 on a online ww forum when we both joined. We had a meet up get together and have been best friends since. Actually from that forum way back then I am still very close friends with most of them. 

So here I go again….