Monday, April 29, 2024

Went backward..

 Had a bit of a bumpy week … was craving and constantly hungry. I gained 700g. It could have and should have been a lot more. Think it’s me being a lot more active saved me. 

Been doing a lot of list making and prepping for our trip away. I know it’s 6 weeks plus away yet…but we are going to be away 2 months so I want to be totally organised. We travel self contained with a canopy on the back of our dual cab Toyota 4x4. It is comfy, the bed up top is as comfy as my own bed, it has a hot shower…. so really it is house on wheels. If we stop at a place for any length of time we have a wrap around canopy so yeah it’s a home away from home. It doesn’t suit everyone but it suits us. 

Not much been happening, it’s been a quiet week. 

The soccer games started on Saturday, Miss Summer played in the morning. A completely new team from last year but she fitted right in. 

They won their first game 6 goals to 0

William played in the afternoon, he’s in the same team has last year but a few have left and they have new players. They jelled very quickly and also won their game 8 goals to 0. William played defence and has the game was more down in their half he didn’t have much running to do. 

Right….dinner prep to start. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Still going strong.

 I’ve had such a hectic week. One of the cleaners where I work sliced open her finger and was given a week off work. Myself and another cleaner are on pensions so can’t work any more hours than we already are, so I called my daughter and her boyfriend in to time share the hours. Kylee was already working some hours for us so knew the day shifts but I had to train them both up on opening and closing. Phewwww worked out to be a lot of hours and I was foot sore and very weary. 😩    

I missed 3 walks with my jabberbuddy but I think I more than made up with it training Jason and Kylee. I think I missed the motivational talks we give each other, our daily planning, sharing recipes and just the chits chats….we both love our walks and talks. It’s great to have a friend that we can just de-stress with.    

On Saturday morning I headed down to Manjimup.

It was the 100th year of my Mothers family settling on their farm.  My Mum is the standing in the back row behind her Mum.  (They are all deceased)   My Uncle Franks son and his son are living and working the farm now. 

This is all my 1st cousins with my Aunty Yvonne, she is my Uncle Franks wife and the last of that generation. Even our group of 1st cousins has been depleted with a few of them deceased. 

This my family group that made the reunion.  Brother in law, my sister Pauline, me, my brother Rodney, son Simon and nephew Stephen. 

My eldest and me. Love this pic 🥰🥰
This is a group shot of us all.

I took these two down. They both had a ball playing with all their cousins. 

Right time to organise myself for tomorrow. 
Work in the morning, the coffee with one of my nieces. 

Ohh I lost 800g ….. very unexcepted too I must add but very welcome.  I’ve set another goal. Mid June hubby and I are off trekking again. We are heading across the Nullarbor, into NSW to visit friends there then will be crisscrossing our way from there up to Queensland, and then into the Northern Territory before heading down the coastline to our little part we call home in Western Australia. Anyways my goal is to have lost more than 20 kilo’s before then. I’ve now lost over 17 kilo's so it should not be too hard. Got 8 weeks to do it 😘😘

Monday, April 15, 2024

Another loss…

 So proud of myself…I’ve stuck to my plan and achieved my goal. I seemed to have stopped the yo-yoing and since March 11th I have had a loss each week. I’ve been doing WW for 16 months and have lost over 16 kilos now. Considering all that’s happened in that time and all the emotional upheavals I’ve had I’m happy I’ve stuck to it. I’m heading towards 20 kilos off next and I’m hoping to achieve that by mid June as hubby and I are off trekking again. This time we are heading across to the other side of Australia…..specifically Queensland. 

Monday, April 08, 2024

Another week.

 …and another loss. This week 400g

Nothing exciting happening, been a quiet week. Been jabberwalking most days, 40 to 50 minutes, 5 days this last week. 

Ohh William had a session at the University, a program for his Children’s University. He loved it, and I enjoyed it too. I took him as Mum was busy packing up for them all to camping the next morning. 

Mum, Jason and the 3 kids all got away early Friday, all unpacked and set up at Sandy Point by 10.30.

They having a wonderful time. 

Monday, April 01, 2024

Easter Long Weekend


It’s been a lovely long weekend. 

But before we start on long weekend we had a special birthday earlier in the week. Our little Miss Summer turned 6years old. My gift to her was picking her up after school and taking her to jewellers to buy “big girl” earrings. 

Now the weekend.

Friday was just hubby and I, we had a very relaxing and somewhat lazy day. Cooked crayfish for dinner, that went down a treat. Saturday some gardening and then went to Farmers market for a few vegetables. 

Sunday was Easter egg hunt. Kylee and the kids came with 1 extra as Kylee’s Jason had his son down for the school holidays. I hid all the eggs for the Easter hunt…but this bad Nanny forgot to take pics, I was so busy watching them. But I did get this pic from my granddaughter….our gorgeous Jazarah on her Easter egg hunt…

That evening it was Paul’s partners 50th birthday. She hasn’t had a lot to do with us these past few years so it was lovely to receive an invite. It turned out to be quite a pleasant night and we caught up with a some friends we haven’t seen in a while. It was a 70’s theme party, but we didn’t dress up…but there was some great dress ups there. I didn’t take any pics except for the cake. 


Tanya loved it….and I can tell you it was very tasty.

My niece took this lovely pic of Ted and I. 

All long weekend I kept to my WW points, didn’t not over indulge at all. Had no Easter Eggs or hot cross buns until today after my weigh in. 

Result….500g down and I’ve managed to get under my pre Christmas weight. So I achieved the goal I set myself. Now it’s onwards to my next goal of 20 kilo’s down which is under 5 kilo’s to go. No time frame limit…just aiming for a loss every week this month 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Time to start dinner prep. Till next time …