Monday, June 03, 2024

Bad weather

 The last few weeks we have had some awful weather on and off. Huge storm on Saturday night where Bunbury, which is 20k’s from my location, had ANOTHER tornado. Just a few weeks ago in Bunbury during another storm they had one form and wreck havoc. Scary thing was that first tornado William was meant to be training for Country Week trials in Soccer. Coaches canceled the training due to lightning being forecast. That tornado went across the pitch where they would have been training. 

Anyways we been lucky here, no damage, a few branches off trees is all. 

This is a pic that someone took of the tornado. They are scary, I know as 6 years ago in the middle of the night we had a tornado that went through 200 hundreds meters from our house. The noise it made woke us up. It was a sound I can tell you I never want to hear again, so eerie. Hubby and I hid in our walk in robe, the safest place with no windows. Next morning our yard was covered with debri, twisted off branches, guttering from houses, roofing, just so much debris. Quite a few houses destroyed including our neighbours at the back of us 300 metres away. 

Anyways, weather has cleared up a bit today but more bad weather due Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

In under 2 weeks we hit the road, can’t wait. I’m mostly packed and ready to roll. One of my friends in NSW is our first stop, so excited to see her. 

Right, work in morning, early start to I’m out of here.

Baby sat this munchkin today while mummy worked for a few hours. We had a great day. William was at his best friends, it was his friends birthday today. 

Ohhhh, weigh in today, 400 gram gone, I’m finally back to my lowest weight from 5 or 6 weeks ago. 

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