Monday, August 26, 2024

Another week….

Every road we travelled on our 8 weeks away there was something to see. 16,700 kilometres we travelled and we saw so much. I loved it all and would do it all again. 

But since being back I am so lacking energy, some days I can hardly get out of my own way…I keep telling hubby I’m suffering from jet lag…that’s what it feels like. We did go through a few time zones but not that quickly.……

Anyways this week I have managed 4 jabberwalks with my girlfriend. The weather hasn’t been the best, we’ve missed the rain most days, only had to cancel one walk. 

All going well. Scales were very good this week, I lost 900g. Need to keep that up, I’m wanting to get back to where I was before we went away asap so I can continue the journey down. I think my ww contract runs out in November so I’ll have to keep an eye out for deals as I’m going to continue doing what I’m doing. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

100 grams

 A 100g loss this week. Sadly it could have been more BUT I over indulged ALL weekend. The weather was wet, constant continuous rain all weekend. Kids soccer matches were cancelled due to the pitches being under water. I went out with Kylee and kids Saturday morning to a science fair but on arriving home sat in my chair in front of fire and read….and ate….    Grrrrrrr I’m really kicking myself as I had been so good till then, even back to my jabberwalking. Makes me wonder how much I could have lost if I hadn’t had an attack of the munchies. 

Wildflowers are out in abundance atm…

Monday, August 12, 2024

Snack Attack

Mmmmmm weigh in day…another gain. Too much takeaway and salty snacks over the weekend and the scales didn’t like me.

Ive got the grandkids today while mum works, it’s a school development day. It’s cold, wet and miserable today but will try and get out and do something with them. 

I was going through my camera and discovered these awesome pics of brolgas dancing in outback Queensland. It was amazing, the 1st time I’d ever seen them do this dance so I’m happy my pics turned out.

Right…best get organised, kids will be here soon.

See you next week, hopefully lighter than I am now. 

Friday, August 09, 2024

I’m back

 I’m back.

The trip was fantastic. The 16,000+ kilometres and nearly 8 weeks of it. Hubby and I loved catching up with some friends on our travels. We had the best time 😊

I’d do it all again tomorrow……mmmm maybe not tomorrow, next week though as I need a few more cuddles with my grandies first 😘

Travelling across the Nullarbor 

The water, the trees and the hills

There she blows…

Sunset on a river bank 

Love the rivers and flowing water 

Another river bank 

Camp on the beach 


Another sunset

And now I’m home the ww start again. I gained 4.5k while away, I did think it would be more as I did drink wine or beer most nights 🥂🍻

Right…it’s time to get up and moving.
Still some unpacking to do and catching up on things.