Monday, August 19, 2024

100 grams

 A 100g loss this week. Sadly it could have been more BUT I over indulged ALL weekend. The weather was wet, constant continuous rain all weekend. Kids soccer matches were cancelled due to the pitches being under water. I went out with Kylee and kids Saturday morning to a science fair but on arriving home sat in my chair in front of fire and read….and ate….    Grrrrrrr I’m really kicking myself as I had been so good till then, even back to my jabberwalking. Makes me wonder how much I could have lost if I hadn’t had an attack of the munchies. 

Wildflowers are out in abundance atm…

1 comment:

  1. Flowers are gorgeous! A loss is a loss. I haven't had one in so long I forgot what it is like!!
