Monday, September 16, 2024

No loss…..

 But no gain either……a sts said those demon scales of mine this morning, better than a gain I guess 😏

I haven’t been over indulging, but I haven’t been 100% committed either. AND I haven’t been exercising a lot either, my knee has been giving me a bit of grief so I’ve  not been walking as much. Stayed off it over the weekend and walked this morning and it wasn’t too bad. 

Not much been happening, been a quiet week really. The weather has been glorious so I’ve managed to get out in the garden a bit. Spring has sprung I think. Plants are budding or in flower…and a walk around our block showed that all the native orchids are out.

I love this time of the year 🤩😍

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Ok…Blogger working for me today, tried earlier on in the week and it was having a hissy fit….

Weigh in was Monday….a stay the same on the scales. I nearly had one of those hissy fits myself as I had stuck to the plan. But I didn’t as the previous 2 weeks I’d had good losses….so hopefully this week if I stick to plan I’ll have another good loss…or at least a loss.

Today I think spring has finally sprung here. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. I’ve just had a good walk around my garden and saw some of my succulents are budding, my petticoat daffodils are budding and some of my orchids have flowered ☺️

Little Miss Summers class hosted the last school assembly, they did an awesome job and their little song was just beautiful. She was also awarded a merit certificate for her hard work in the classroom. 

And speaking of her….i must away and have some lunch as I’m due at the school in 45 minutes to pick her and her brother up. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Another week begins

Another week begins.
Another loss this week of 900g so I’m slowly losing the weight I gained while we were travelling. Still a few more kilos to go yet. I’m back at work a few hours a week again plus I’m jabberwalking with my bestie when I can. Trying to keep motivated but I’m struggling with “jet lag”. Still coming down from the high from our trip. Some days it’s hard to find the motivation to just do ordinary everyday things but each day I’m pushing myself to get out of “holiday mode” and get on with things. 
It’s great to see and be near the grandies again. Soccer was on the weekend so went and watched my boy strut his stuff on the soccer pitch. He’s a great player, love watching him. 
I’ll leave you with some gorgeous scenery…the ranges in the Northern Territory are incredible to drive through.