Sunday, September 05, 2021

3weeks in…

 Yesterday was my online weight loss group weigh in. 

A stay the same this week…..not 100% sure why, I followed the plan, tracked and only used 6 bonus points. Maybe too much bread…💁 

Anyway, after weigh in and breakfast I took the kids down the park. They got to burn some energy and I managed a few thousand steps keeping up with them. Summer is a real little dare devil and has no fear.  I got them home for lunch and their mum got home from work and I took off for my afternoon shift, it was a busy one.

Got home and realised I hadn’t taken anything out for dinner. Only hubby and son to cook for and they requested a steak sandwich….easy peasy 😋

But I fell in a hole. Instead of having what I planned I hit a roadblock and indulged big time. I used up 52 points…left 6 bonus ones for the week. 

I got onto my ww app this morning and changed my weigh in to Saturday as well….that way I’m not weighing in twice a week.  Plus it gives me a chance to get over my “blow out”

Today, taken the kids down the park again, managed 6000 steps running around after them, well the little dare devil anyway.  Food has been good. Been online and researched recipes for 0 and low point meals for me for the rest of the week. Not going to blow this, not when I’m enjoying it so much. 

1 comment:

  1. I hate that when I have a plan and something goes off kilter and I blow it! But you don’t really blow it unless you turn that bad choice/decision into a week long (or longer) food fest!
