Monday, March 10, 2025

Wow, my scales really liked me

 I just don’t get it sometimes. I haven’t changed much on my food and tracking from last week to this week and yet last week I know I gained though I didn’t weigh, the week before a small loss this week a big loss.   Just gotta keep plodding away at it I guess. 

Trying not to let the stress of son being a “bloody idiot” affect me. He is still drinking, try’s to hide the fact but it’s visible. He has a man bag, that’s constantly on him. I know he is hiding things in it and taking them to his car when his mate messages him. He’s got real sneaky. Hides away in his room, and shuts his bedroom door which he NEVER used to, constantly receiving and sending messages and going out till all ours of the night. Having to get up and leave to go to work at 4.15am this is something he very rarely did. He has changed so much. Everyday I worry. Hubby gave him a lecture the other day but it doesn’t seem to have affected him. Just gotta stand back and watch him. We have decided we are not going to lend him money, buy him smokes or enable him in any way like that. 

All this is for my record, so anyways thats enough. 

Daughter had a lovely birthday week. Her birthday was the 6th. The kids Dad agreed to have the kids on the weekend, so I took the kids up to train station between mine and his location so K had the weekend free. It was a long weekend so even better.

She had a party with her bestie and some other friends that they had organised on the weekend before her birthday.

The day before her birthday (she was working on her birthday) I took her out for lunch at a seafood restaurant….mmmmm delicious 😋  Also got her to choose a pair of top brand sneakers for herself as she really needed a pair. She is on her feet all day at her work and good shoes are necessary. She wouldn’t spend that on herself, her kids she puts before her. 

On her birthday I got her to come out after work. I fed her kids and we had a special cake and candles to celebrate 🥳 

Time to get off here. Dinner to organise. Quick and easy tonight methinks. I got called into work today and I’m tired. Plus hubby having dental work so it’s all “soft” and easy to eat food here atm.