Monday, May 28, 2007

First official weigh in

Tonight I weighed in at my meeting for the first time since achieving lifetime membership. Wasn't meant to weigh in but next week Monday is a public holiday, plus being the end of the month I now have most of June to go throu before next weigh I now only have to weigh in once a calender month. Anyways...I weighed in at 68.3...a gain of 300grams from last ww weigh in and a gain of a kilo since last week from my scales!!! TTOM is giving me a real hard time, I have now been going for over 2 weeks....and it has been quite draining.
Its been a long week, work has been so busy and its going to get busier. Had an engagement party in Geraldton to go too in a few weeks, even went out and bought a nice pair of black trousers and jacket...but now we find we can't go. Hubby has eye specialist appointment on the day we were going to be coming back, he has a growth growing over the pupil of his eye and needs to have surgery. Well we could go, but the drive is 6 hours there and 6 hours back, and with hubby's eye the way it is, we decided to sends our apologies. We will be heading up north on a fishing trip in late July/early August, if eye surgery doesn't postpone that, so we will call in and spent time with the happy couple then.
Received in the mail my lifetime card and an official letter from Weigh Watchers congratulating me on my achievement. It was great to be acknowledged.


  1. And you deserve to be congratulated too - it's a fantastic achievement. Buggar about TOTM - haven't seen mine since February - and I ain't going looking for it!! Eye surgery these days is awesome - so quick and relatively painfree and hardly any recovery period - Bloss had both his cataracts done in the last six months - made a new man of him (and he realised what a gorgeous wife he had!!!). Have a great week.

  2. Hello Jen.... Well done on the LTM. It is official now & you do have 2kg to play with so don't be too harsh on yourself....Just focus on the fishing trip :) ....Hope Hubby's eye problem is a simple operation. Is it a terrigium?(?spelling) They are quite painful...hugs cj

  3. Hi there jen... Congrats on the letter.. How exciting!
    Bummer about not being able to wear your new pants and jacket... but you will soon...
    Take care...

  4. Congrats on the LTM coming through. It's so nice getting that written word that you're a star!!

    Wouldn't worry bout the 300g gain, it'll be gone by next time.

  5. Of course you can come and play.... as long as you bring a big bucket of soapy water and scrubbing brush and a can of Mortein for the spiders.. haha

  6. Hey Jen, too bad you will miss out on the engagement party and wearing your new outfit.. I think you should put it on and take a photo so we can all see how gorgeous you look in it anyway!
    Congratulations on the LTM achievement letter too - as you say it is good to get acknowledged!
    Hope Ted's eye op goes well .. let us know how he's doing..
    have a great week!

  7. Well done Jen!! Now officially a LTM. WIth your attitude you will be a successful LTimer as well!

  8. Congrats on receiving your LTM recognition.
    I know what you mean about TTOM. Very unpredictable and nasty these days for me too.

  9. Wow!!! That letter looks so exciting!!! And if I could blow the print up a size, I could get your home address. hehehehe .....

    Shame about TTOM for you. It must be yukky to go for two weeks. Maybe it's the last time for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it is.

  10. Thanks for your support on my last entry. Great to receive support from a success story lke you! You are right - we do have do keep perservering. I'm trying hard!

  11. Well the letter and the card and the keyring say it all Jen - YOU DID IT!!!!!! Well done for sticking with it to the very end.
    Oh dear poor TED, that's so not fun for him, I hope he recovers quickly.

  12. Jen wooooooooohoooooooooooooo!!
    You really did do it now...what an achievement...something to really be proud have shown that you can do anything you put your mind too...well done and congratulations
    Berrie xxx
