Friday, October 05, 2007


What was I doing at 4.30am this'd never guess?

I had an absolute "shit" of a night, went to bed about 9ish, read awhile, then went to sleep but woke up at 1.30am........

I got up, after tossing and turning and no sign of sleep and made a cuppa, and thought mmmmm might have a bikkie too. Two cuppa's later and a pack of bikkies later I thought darn it better go back to bed and get away from those darn bikkies!! Back at the bedroom hubby is still sound crawled in and curled up but again tossed and turned and wriggled and squirmed, in the end sighed and gave up!! No sleep for me!! Got back up....make another cuppa and thought mmmmmm need to do something soooooooooooo 4.30 am there were HOT SCONES sitting on my kitchen bench....minus 2 which I ate.....!!!

5.30am I went walking....

7.05am drove off for a days work at the "funny farm" !!


  1. Walking was a great idea.... guess we all have these times am thankful that I sleep at night gawd can only imagine the damage if I didnt..... sorry to hear about Katrina so young and you having surgery gawd when it rains it pours hey...hope you have a great weekend x

  2. Jen, what a hoot - early morning baking! Probably didnt seem funny though. Rest assured you are not alone - around the world there are millions of women up baking, ironing, watching tv etc. Another cross to bear...

  3. I know what you mean about that sort of night....
    only 6 sleeps 'till we meet....
    see you soon.
    cj x

  4. I would KILL to be in your kitchen right now... I love scones and am hopeless at making them... I can think of better TIMES to make em though! Your home must have smelt devine to wake up in this morning! *drooling*

  5. LOL you cracked me up when you told me what you had done....glad you blogged it..hope your sleep is a bit better this week..
    berrie xx
