Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Well its 2008......

Last night I slept it in, boring ehhhhh? I had worked all day, was tired, upset and "over it" !! Hubby wasn't interested in going out even thou we had had invites.....so another night in for us.

I rang or messaged the kids and their families....hopefully they all have the greatest of years. All I ever wish for is happiness and contentment for all of them.

Troublesome son will never find it until he wakes up to himself and stops blaming everyone else for his troubles and realises it is him and only him! Rang him yesterday to wish him all the best and to start off he was fine, then I said the wrong thing, or something he didn't want to hear to be more truthful, and got abused for it. I hung up.

And that brings me to my New Year resolution. After a lot of thought....I have decided that I am not gonna stress out and worry myself sick about things I have no control over. Yep like Mr # 3 son and his little family and what he can do to himself and them....as you know I do that, wellllll no more! Welllllll, gonna try anyways.

So hopefully some of you popped the champagne, partied or danced to the wee small hours, threw the confetti and made new year resolutions....

May this year be a year of good luck, good health and most of all happiness to you all.


  1. Oh Jen big hugs to you! You son will wake up soon and realise what he is doing to you and the family! You have stood by him but yes I think your NYs resolution is great - make it your year my friend :)

    Thanks for everything last year and I loved getting to know you and will enjoy carrying on my journey with you :)

    Luv always xxx

  2. Happy New Year Jen. I love the picture, very cute!

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog Jen. Life is too short to worry about our adult families and their hang-ups ah! I've recovered from cancer and it's been the biggest wake-up call for me. I'm sure stress caused it! So welcome 2008 and take care of you. YOU are the most important person in your life and only YOU can make everyday a cruise. My favourite saying is Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we're here we might as well Dance!

  4. Happy New Year Jen ........
    I like your new years resolution ....have been thinking this one myself.....am so over grown up kids and their blaming me for their life and NOMORE they are young and are responsible for their future if they choose to wallow in the past so be it but they arent going to bring me down ...... thinking of you Take care Jen xx

  5. Happy New Year Jen!

    Good luck with your NY resolution. I wish you lots of luck an happiness too.

  6. Happy New Year to you too Jen.
    I just love the Happy New Rears picture, you should have just lines up your grandies and taken a picture of their cute little butts - hehehehe
