Wednesday, April 09, 2014

A better week...

ahhhh what a relief…I had a better week. 
 I kept on telling myself…"eat what you have planned", and if you're hungry eat fruit!! And thats what I did. Even tried out a few different recipes…and much to my delight they went down a treat…even hubby enjoyed. It, I admit,  hasn't been easy, I have been on and off track, more off than on for too long now that I have made it hard on myself.  I am encouraged to keep at to now, jumped on the scales this morning and it showed me a loss.
So one week down and done and dusted.

And to finish…here's William. He turns 15 weeks this week. Not long now and I get to have a cuddle…come Easter we are heading up to Geraldton to friends for a surprise birthday party…and Kylee and Garry are heading down to Perth to pick up the twins for the school holidays…they will using Geraldton as a stop and cuppa break both ways…CAN NOT WAIT... 


  1. Hi Jen, I have been reading your blog for a long time and noticed you have commented on my ww blog (RAS121) thank you. Seems we have a lot in common; especially in the weight department! Glad you've had a good week. Hope this following week will be as good. Cheers Rhonda

  2. So much cuteness !!!!
    I hear you with your weight and being more off than on the right track. We are off for 2 weeks now and I just know that it's going to be so difficult because we have so much work planned - our eating is going to be all over the show.
    Oh well - next month is a new month !!!
    Have a great weekend !

  3. Can relate to more days off than on.... one day it will turn around to more days on and less off :). Beautiful photos and man those weeks are going so fast. Have happy weekend :)

  4. Ha ha! I love that little saying.
