Saturday, March 09, 2019

A gain this week...

A terrible week this week....a lot of eating on the run...and though I tried to eat Keto it didn't always work that way.  Too much snacking didn't help either but the stress levels were high.
Kylee's situation escalated to the point that we had to go and get legal advice, which we did.
End result, a violence restraining order was put on her ex to stop him from having contact with her or the kids.  His intimidating threats and bullying phone calls and texts that Kylee had recorded/saved were enough for the magistrate to grant her the vro.  
He was getting worse daily, he wanted to control Kylee's life and was trying to manipulate her into doing as he wanted. He was even telling William his Mummy didn't like/love him. Who does that to a little 5 year old boy ?  William adored his Daddy and is going to find it hard without him...BUT he bought this upon himself. I hope he goes and seeks some help...he is mentally unstable. 
I can tell you this last week has been horrid....glad the vro is in place and we can try and move forward.  
Tomorrow I board the Keto train 100% again and see if I can remove this kilo I have gained. 


  1. Yikes!!!! What a stressful week!!! I’m so glad you have taken the proper steps to ensure safety and peace!!!!

  2. Hopefully things will settle a little now. Horrible situation to be in :).

    1. Whoops wasn't meant to be a smily at the end but was meant to be this :(.
