Saturday, March 23, 2019

Another week down...

It hasn't been the best week health wise. I have suffered and still suffering with a head cold/sinusitis and I am over it already. What with work and the little ones I have been feeling pretty blah I can tell you. 

Our best friends and us were meant to be off on a holiday later this year...but that has been canned. They have bought a block of land and just can't afford to go on 2 trips in the one year. (They already committed to a trip away in September)
Sooooo I have been on hubbies back getting him to see if we are going to go anywhere. I would love to get away for a few weeks at least this year.  Anyways will see what happens. Would love to just pack up and hop in the Toyota and just drive and see where the road takes us...

Anyways today was weigh in day. It was goodbye to another 600g....


  1. Sounds like the perfect holiday, just hopping in a car and driving anywhere. Hope this week is better for you :)

  2. I think just driving and seeing were the toad takes you and what is out there sounds heavenly!!!
