Monday, April 22, 2019


I had a very bad couple of days after last week's weigh in..
A few stresses with the Kylee situation...and it got to me. I reverted back to emotional eating and didn't care what I ate.  Friday night I ate ice-cream which wasn't too bad I guess even though I didn't stop at just 1 !! Saturday morning I had work...and the smell of the takeaway got to me so I indulged in that!! After work I headed down to my  my aunties (My dad's last remaining sibling) to celebrate her 90th birthday. OMG...what a spread they put on for her....and I just couldn't resist the vanilla slices....
Home...and as I had my grandee's staying over their choice was yep I ate takeaway too !!
Sunday  I woke up during the night with the worst cramps in my legs...and in the morning with a thumping headache and a bloated and gurgling tummy....obviously they didn't like the food I was eating. Sooooooo I hopped back ont my lazy kept again and stuck to what suits me and my body.
Saturday morning saw my demon scales down 500grams...
All I can say is thank you Lazy Keto.  Thankfully I don't tend to veer off it too much. 


  1. Woohoo on the scales being down!

    Isn’t it crazy how when we eat right our bodies very clearly tell us when we are not eating! How many times have we ignored the signs and kept eating what our minds wanted and not what our bodies wanted and needed! Kudos to you for listening now!

  2. Yay for the scales being down - no matter how old our kids are, when things are not going well with them, we still stress over them.

  3. Glad the Keto thing has been working for you... I'm off the wagon COMPLETELY at the moment! Huge gains.
    Kylie... I hope the VRO keeps HIM away, and means she really can relax. I'm sad you have to pitch in with the children SO MUCH... it is very tiring, I KNOW! Big hugs babe.
