Saturday, June 05, 2021


Jaydene’s visits with Jahzara seem to be going well . Baby is growing every time I see a pic of her. She appears to be very alert.  I’m hoping to get to see her on one of the daily visits Jaydene has but I will have to go through all the rigmarole with DCP for that to happen. 

Hours have been lowered at work. And if rumours are to be believed I may even be out of work soon. The shopping centre has called for tenders for the cleaning contract as the one we have ends this month. I’m not sure our company will get it again. The centre manager is new taking over from Russell who has had us contracted there for the last 10 years. Brett has taken over, he’s young, he’s brash and he is not a fan of our bosses. So if we don’t get the contract I will unemployed unless the new contractors take me on. I was hoping to keep the job till next year when I can officially retire.

Weigh in day today. A loss. It’s been a not too bad week and was happy to see that reflected on the scales. 



  1. Beautiful photo. Your granddaughter looks older than her age. Very very pretty girl

  2. Love the pic....both of them are gorgeous!

    Yay for the loss!!!

  3. Beautiful photo, loving the hair on Jahzara, and congrats on the loss :)
