Saturday, February 26, 2022

No weigh in..

 No weigh in this week. Out Friday for birthday lunch, then I carried onto Saturday. Sunday was my birthday, so there was cake, cheesecake and and and…

Monday and Tuesday were more celebrations, mine and a friends but Wednesday I called it quits. I was feeling quite yuk and bloated and wasn’t enjoying scoffing down whatever. I was actually looking forward to some heathy choices.

I started off by mixing myself up some shakes to start the days off and then salads for lunch. I’ve made tuna bake, chicken hot pot and a breakfast slice (and froze a few meals) so long may this continue.

A holiday in June to look forward to. Made no plans as yet, Covid will no doubt constrict as to where we can go.

But if it’s out in the bush, or by water away from everything I’ll be happy. 


  1. Onec again, happy birthday!

    I love how you celebrated but your BODY told you when you had enough 'food celebration' and even better I LOVE how you listened to your body!

  2. We are being slightly optimistic that we may get to Aussie next year, another good reason to lose this weight. Have a great week :)

  3. I stayed the same so I really need to move it a bit harder. Glad you had a great birthday with friends & loved ones.
