Monday, March 25, 2024

Champion Boy

 Wednesday and Thursday were  my grandkids sports day. William loves sports day and the challenges. 

Wednesday was long distance running events and jumps day. Mum had to work but Jason and I went up and watched as well as help out the teachers. 

William did great and won his long distance race, the long jump, vortex throw, high jump and came 2nd in hop, skip and jump. His sportsmanship is outstanding, no matter who’s team or faction he was there encouraging ☺️

Friday was sprints and team games. Summer loved that, she was in a few events but loved the social chit chat ☺️😘. William won his sprints easily.  Unfortunately his main competitor had an allergic reaction on Thursday and was unable to compete. 

He was team leader in team games and shouted out encouragement to each and every team mate. 

Kylee had the day off  and had to keep yelling out to Summer. “Summer focus” 

Anyways to cut a long story short. It was a warm day, I got wind burnt, it was quite a windy day. 

 I didn’t buy from the sausage sizzle or the cake stall. I bought my own packed lunch.  I stayed within my points allowance. 

The kids faction won the championship points and William was year 5 champion boy.

Another great week to add to my personal challenge, this being week 2 and a loss of 900g 

My jabberwalk buddy is away for a few days so no long walks….but I have made myself move and clock up some steps. 

Bedtime for me, my work day tomorrow so best get some sleep. 


  1. How wonderful for him. Results showing for him, putting in the effort. And I really like the look of his running style, even from that one photo. And lovelybof you all to pop down and support the kids, they love having someone to watch them. Congrats on your loss. Marie, Melbourne

  2. Congrats to William. Well done. You must be so proud. It's great that he is into sports. It's just such a healthy habit to have. A great day watching the grandkids.
