Monday, January 29, 2007

Time to pull my socks up...

Yep....its time!!! I have dillydallyed around long enough...yoyo'ing up and down for months now. I weighed in tonight and had a gain of 800g..!!! LIKE WOW!!!!

I thought I'd had a good week, thou son has caused a lot of stress....but nahhhhhh hubby said I was either eating well or not eating at all...

So its time to get the tracker out, plan out my days and yep....get my butt into gear and get myself down to goal.
Wish me luck.....

Friday, January 26, 2007

Have a great Australia Day

Me and my other half of me, my hubby Ted, are having a quiet day at home pottering around enjoying each others company today. Tonight we will light up the bbq and have some lamb steaks and salad....

Hope everyone else is enjoying the day...............

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Just wanted to say thank you to all those that responded to my last post. I didn't expect you all too as I was just getting it off my chest....but I appreciate the kind thoughts, I really do.

Shawn, my son, is when using cannabis a very "self centred", a real "woe is me" person with physcotic tendencies. You never know what he is going to do or say. Been lucky that he has never physically harmed anyone but he has shown that he is more than capable of it thou. Have been lucky he does show his love for his partner Hannah and his little girls, he cares for them...he really does but he needs the cannabis more than them it seems. He knows he hurts all his family and he admits it to us quite freely but will he do something about it......who knows? He has done it once before...and I live in hope he can again.

Went in and helped them move last night.....they have moved in with friend...but apparently they have cleaned up .... gee they would have had to....yuk it was filthy!!! Anyways got a cuddle of little Jaydene....isn't she a cutie...??

Was off to the funny farm today. For those that don't know, I work on a market garden where they grow carrots, potato's and onions...and soon broccolli. Can be a bit of a dirty job at times ..... have a look at the other pic. I had to grade all the rubbish out of the onions that were just harvested...what a "grot" ehhhhhhh? You should see me after a full day....that was just a few hours....Just as well I don't mind getting dirty........
ooohhhhhhhh I weighed in last night....and was very surprised to find I lost 300 grams. I have joined in The At Home Easter see if I can get under my goal weight by Easter. Only 2.6 kilo's to go now....but have yoyo' ed so many times and hoping the challenge will help me to stay focused.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

What a day...

Sometimes I wonder how much I should write on here...but I figure heck its my blog, its my feelings and sometimes if I don't write down my feelings I would go absolutely spare!! And today has been one of those days where the day has gone from good to bad, too bloody awful, tearful, end of tether then back again... I need my friend Wendy..the good little witch with her magic wand to work some magic and make things right.
The day started fine with a great sleep in and a cuppa bought to me in bed by hubby. Got up and washed the car, had a lovely chat with Berrie on the phone then went on into town to catch up with my son, to cuddle little Skye and bubby Jaydene. Son is so troubled, stressed out and not in a good mood at all. Silly him is still doing drugs (cannabis) and I just can't make him realise how much more agitated and moody it makes him. That family has enough troubles without him carrying on like this! They were at the Salvation army crisis care house but moved out last night to a friends house. I went there this morning when I found out they had moved and I was in tears....the unit is FILTHY...Its no place for my little girls, but what can I do??? They can't come here, son and hubby don't get on, hubby won't forgive him after a very nasty and unforgiving argument and if I could help them and let them stay they get taken off the Homeswest priotity list. And they are on the bottom of that list because they own a vechile and son has that means he is not in desperate need. They have been trying for months now to get a rental...even a caravan, but the housing shortage here is severe..there are so many homeless people, it is not good at all. I am in turmoil, I feel as thou I have let them down as I can't help them, I know the system has let them down !!
Just wish I could get throu to son, or someone could. Kylee tried while she was here, they used to be so close, but he wouldn't listen to her either. Why can't he remember how happy, relaxed and healthy he was after he rehabilated 18 months or so ago??? Why can't he remember all the lessons he learnt there?? Why did he have to use again...whyyyyyy?? So many whys, and so few answers...don't think son can answer them either.
I wish my Dad or brother were still around...I could talk to them about anything and everything and days like these I wish they were still here. I have other friends I know I can talk too, I know I am not alone, but I don't like to burden them with this.. writing it all down like this does help. Ohhhhhh I wish, I wish...
I know this thou....I HATE DRUGS.....
Welllllllll I have just have come back from a long walk, it felt good to just chill out and let the world go by. Now its dinner time...a tuna bake, a early night where I hope I can get some sleep...then its off out fishing tomorrow...eeeeeeeek better go get out my seasick pills and leave them where I can see them to take with my coffee in the morning...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

My girl ....

Flew back to Victoria tonight......I miss her already......
Looks like I'll have to start saving my "pennies" again for another trip to see her as she won't be back home again until April 2008.....
See you when I see ya sweets....

Happy Birthday Jessica

My eldest grandaughter Jessica turned 5 yesterday....wowwwwww isn't she growing up fast. She is sooooooo excited as she can now start pre-school this year!! Sometimes I wonder where the time goes by so quickly.

Happy Birthday my darling girl......

Monday, January 15, 2007

We weighed in ...

I weighed in tonight and had a loss of happy with that !! Kylee had a gain...her first since starting ww, but she has been here on holidays and hasn't been good this past week.. lots of catching up with friends, and no excersise. My girl flies back to Victoria on Wednesday...ohhhh gonna miss her..."sob sob"

Well and truly over the dreaded lurgy...and back into the walking and practising the hula hoop. Try the hula is sooooo good for the tummy. Ohhhhh and if you get a hula hoop, get the water weighted one...a heaps better work out !!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Had the lurgy....

Have had a dose of the lurgy....thanks Rae, must have got it when I visited your blog and gave you a get well hug !!! Didn't want it thou....but seem to be over the worst of it all now. Today for the first time this week...I walked, yayyyyyy... it felt good to be out again. If nothing else the lurgy has kept me really focused and on track .... who feels like eating when your're sick and can't keep anything down anyways?? But since recovering I seem to have found my wagon and climbed back on ready to roll onwards and downwards yet again!!! Want to see if somehow I can get over this fear of goal that I seem to have and get down there and stay there.....

To everyone that has visited my blog and left comments since Jaydene's birth.....I would like to say thanks to each and everyone of you for the best wishes. Jaydene is coming along fine now...much to our relief. She is feeding well and gaining weight...will keep you all updated on her progress, along with "Jenna's" other little 8 darling's.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Tonight I weighed in for the first time since 11/12/06 and it was as I expected ... a gain !! My first weigh in for the New Year sees me starting at 71.4....a gain of 2.2 !! I was expecting it, more actually, but it's my own fault...I should be ashamed of myself!!! Even though I have excersised most days and drank water by the gallons my food choices have not at all been the best. But now I know what my bad choices have done I can kick my butt into gear and move onwards and downwards again.....
By the way Kylee weighed in with me tonight too....and she had a LOSS of 300 grams....yayyyyyyy !!!
Went to the hospital tonight and took Skye to see her mummy and little sister. Jaydene is coming along fine now after our scare with her last night. She is a gorgeous little bub ... she has sure captured her Jenna's heart, just like the other 8 grandies before her have.
Pics were taken tonight ....

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Bub has arrived....

Sheezeeeeeeeee I was wrong again.....It's a girl.....
Jaydene Rose Marie was born 9.30am this morning. She weighed in at 8lb 8.5 ozs, 50cm long. Mum, Dad, and big sister Skye all great.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Sitting here pondering.....

yeaa, yeaa I know that could be dangerous......hehehe
But sitting here thinking/pondering about the past year. It bought menopause (its sux!!) my 50th and my daughters 21st birthdays (wooohooo what a party we had) another grandchild (Thomas) a Eagles grandfinal win (yeehaaaa!!!) a tornado go through just missing my house by a few hundred metres (eeekkkkk very scary)....just to name a few things.
But I will remember 2006 mostly for the friendships I made through ww meetings and the forums online. I have more friends now than I have ever had. Some I have even travelled to meet and can't wait too meet again...
These friends mean the world to me and have been so supportive and encouraging as I struggle my way to goal. I could not have got as far as I have without them.
ohhhhh yeaaaa no bub yet.....lost another bet ......sheeeeeeeeeeeeez !!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to one and all...may your 2007 be filled with happiness.
No bub born as yet.....still waiting.....