Monday, March 05, 2012

Lost my way

This was way back when I had it all together.....I loved me, I loved looking this good...and I worked at it...
Me at goal weight, when I loved myself a
This is me now...I am struggling. I have been working hard, but not everyday, all day like I should. I have good weeks, the scales go down, then treat myself, lose track, gain...then have to start all over again. Yoyo' íng week afer week, I hate the fact that my clothes are getting tighter, that I have huge muffin top hanging over my clothes....but even with tracking and recording my stats I am still where I was 15 months ago!!

Love this dres, hate how I look !!
I have to do something. I had a sneak peek at the scales this morning, shuddered at the number and then proceeded to start the day off as I should with a healthy filling breakfast. Then, what the heck...had toast, white bread too,  which I never eat....coz I just felt like it  !! There was no thought of my weigh in on Thursday, no thought to the fact that I have to record my weight with my lovely consultant. And my day has continued downhill just like it did yesterday and the day before....
It seems to take forever for the weight to come off but in just a few days I can add a couple of kilo's :-(

Me, February 2004
Today....I am making a commitment to myself.....and ALL OF YOU.....that I will get myself back to looking like the me I like above....starting tomorrow. Today is plan day.  I can do it...I have to do it for me, otherwise I will end up looking like the me above again....and I don't want that !!


  1. Jen I want to give you a big

    You did it before and you can do it again. Planning and organisation I think is the key at the beginning. We always want to stick to the plan. The bumps come when we haven't planned and make the wrong choices as the easy way out. Have fun planning.

    But Jen, most important - do it for you!!!

  2. Why is losing weight so hard when we know how fantastic it feels..... I have great faith you will get there again and so will I. Happy planning :)

  3. Oh CAN do it...I have confidence in you!

  4. Hi Jen - how are you going ? Is your planning helping ? Are you managing to stay on track ?
    I hope that you find your mojo soon and get back on track.
    Love, hugs and positive energy.

  5. I am a bit lost too. Hopefully we will meet up and travel together yet again. I agree with everything you say and it could apply to me so you arent alone with these thoughts and feelings. You know, the great thing, is despite everything we are still trying (very trying as Mark would say LOL).
