Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Off track.....

Kylee & Shawn

Not going too well at the moment....
I haven't been feeling great, constant headache, feeling blah and have a appetite that no matter what I eat I am still looking for more, just can't seem to satisfy my hunger. I have still been going to Curves daily plus walk Shera every day...BUT the scales are going up and up and up......
Just about at the end of my tether, the scales showed me a number that I haven't seen in years...not happy !!
Managed a Dr's appointment this arvo..off to see the vampires in the morning, hopefully something will show up. Dr seems to think hormones are out of "whack"  as night sweats have been my constant companion for the past few weeks too.

On the weekend Shawn, was out here for his kids access visit. His eldest boy celebrated his 4th birthday....don't know who had the most fun, the little kids or those two above !!

ohhh tomorrow am off to Perth with dear daughter...she bought me tickets for us to see Mary Poppins...can't wait. Staying overnight with a girlfriend and Thursday going shopping before coming home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, what you describe is nearly identical to what I am going through at the moment. I had the blood tests last week and am off to doctors tomorrow to get results. Hopefully I will have some answers too as I agree, it can be so frustrating.
    Hope you had a wonderful time in Perth.
