Monday, November 16, 2020

Saturday weigh

 I weighed in on Saturday and saw a 400gram loss.

Then come Saturday afternoon, it was worktime. I had packed a healthy lunch BUT the girl I was working with bought some spring rolls she promised to make me in. WHY WHY WHY did I eat them????                   I knew I shouldn’t have because even though I tracked them it has sent me into a eating what ever spiral. Monday today...I’ve been running around all day and NOT eaten within my calorie at all....or even made halfway decent healthy choices. Same for Sunday, it was a eat whatever day there as well...a junk food pig out. No wonder my jeans are feeling quite tight ☹️🤐

Tomorrow I am off work...after school/daycare drop offs it’s going to be a “me” day. And a day to get myself back on track before I gain all I lose. 


  1. Isn’t it crazy how one simple act can send us into a tailspin! Take this day for yourself and turn the tailspin around! You can do it!!!

  2. I've have days like that. I try to make sure I keep going with good habits, and try not to "start back again tomorrow". Hang in there!!
