Tuesday, March 07, 2023

Another week gone


Another week has just flown by…I can’t believe how quickly it has gone. They do say the older you get the quicker the time goes by and gee I’m finding that to be true.

Had friends out over the weekend. We asked them out as our fig trees are overloaded and we know how much they enjoy fresh fruit. We’ve already made jam and dried so many of them. While they were here they said they were off exploring in May and asked us to join them on the trek. It’s a trek we’ve wanted to do so we’ve been trying to figure out if we can go. Our daughter relies on us so much with the grandies so she is now trying to sort out alternatives for them. Hate doing it to her, and feel a little guilty doing so but it is our time now and if we don’t do it this time we may not have the chance again. Other friends asked us in 2018 to do this trek but it was 3 weeks after we returned from our America/Canada/London trip and I couldn’t get the time off work. 

Anyways, I’m hoping that we can manage to do it. A lot of planning to be done and travel permits to be sought out and got.

And hopefully I can lose a bit more weight and be more comfortable travelling. 

No weight lost on last weigh in, actually I had a 300g gain. Don’t know why, I planned and tracked but still it happened. Moving on and hopefully this week it will turn itself around. 

Time to move, a work day for me and a few things have to be done before I head out the door. 

1 comment:

  1. Time does fly! I so hope you make the trip. You must. I would love to travel.
