Wednesday, March 14, 2007


come closer.......
real close so you can hear me
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh real quiet pleazzzzzzzzzzzze....
I have to whisper coz everytime I say this out loud the scales go up again ...... .....soooooooo are you ready.....
Can you hear me??
Okies.....I weighed in tonight and yeahhhhhhh I lost 900grams soooooooooo that makes me a 60's girl again.....shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quietly now...this is the 3rd time I have been here....... soooooooo gotta make it "3rd time lucky" !!!
My new leader was right, her ideas really worked....I followed her advice to the letter and yayyyyyyyyyyy hopefully it will continue working.
Remember now shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whisper please.....quietly now!!!


  1. Whispering..
    go are a bloody star..I am so so so very very happy for you..
    Go you good thing...
    Berrie xxx

  2. Psssst.. Hey Jen, a little birdie whispered in my ear.. Can you read my lips? WOOHOO!!! Definitely 3rd time lucky and here to stay! YAY.. Sounds like the leader had some good advice and you have hung in there and got the results you wanted. Congratulations!! chris xx

  3. In my very best hushed voice, can you hear YIPEE!!!

    Congratulations honey, this time I know that you are going to stay there!!

    "Peace Man", "Make Love not War"

    xx Shelley

  4. Well done - you have worked so hard and really deserve this. LOL maybe I should have whispered my 'loss' last week, I said it out aloud and the scales ahve gone up again!

  5. pssssstttt Jen your a little star!!!! Well done honey im so very proud of you.

    Keep up the amazing job you are doing sweetie :o) May that be the last time you ever see those 70's :)


  6. Okies - I will be as quiet as a mouse about it.....squeak squeak happy for your Jen.........yes third time just make sure you stay there - lol.....
    Can't wait for you to get to goal -I have something very special for you and you're not getting it till you get there!!!! Hope it's soon.....

  7. **whispers in a teeny mousy voice** well done hunny, im sooooo proud of you! now quietly go forward hun, work towards next week, YOU CAN DO IT BABES!!(sorry shhhhhhhhhhhh)

  8. Shhh .... don't want to frighten the scales. Well ..... done ...... Jen. Will be joining you in the 60's in another .... oh ..... 5 kgs..

    Shhh again. CONGRATULAIONS!!!!! Oops. That was louder than I meant it to be.

    Thanks for the family list. Now I can unconfuse them. LOL. When I had to go to hospital once, the admissions clerk asked what relationship Brian was to me. I told the clerk Brian was my everything. LOL. I see you use that term, too. It's a wonderful expression.

  9. *tips a bucket of cotton balls on scales*...

    tehehe, they can't hear us now!
    Well done Jen! This is where you belong! Cos the 60's ROCK!!

    love, Rae :)

  10. Well done Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. whisper...whisper...well done.... you deserve all the praise.... cj speaking very are on the right road now.
    Hugs cj xx

  12. ***not even talking*** (hoping jen can lip read). I am soooooo soooooo happy for you jen. well done honey..... tip toes up to jen and gives her a big shhhhhhhhhh hug!

    3rd time lucky... hey bet there are a few people who wish they could live the 60's three times around!

    *** leave with a big smile on my face***

  13. beeep beeep beeep beep beeep

    That was morse code for well done Jen - yes third time lucky you deserve it all you beautiful lady :)


    oh god sorry beeep beeep beeep

    Ems xxxxxxxxx
