Friday, January 16, 2009


I am satisfied....

The new weight watchers SATISFACTION program is working for me.

I am eating more, and foods that are filling me and keeping my hunger levels on a even keel so that most of my snacking has stopped. I am not craving any sweets and not tempted to eat any....I just can't believe how well it is working for me. And I think eating the more filling foods are helping me cope with any emotional eating. Fruit and vege's, pasta, rice, potato's and grains, dairy products and fish and eggs and soups have all been in my menu's. By focusing on these filling foods I am making my points allowance go further and it ensures that I am not going hunngry,,yayyyyyy!! We'll see on Monday evening when I go in for my weigh in but I am confident that those scales will be down again.

It's my eldest grandaughters 7th birthday today. Rang her up to wish her all the best and got all the news...our Jessica is just like her Dad ... loves to talk!!


  1. Happy that the satisfaction is working! Now I can't get that song out of my head though!!!...I can't get noooo, sat is fac tion!!!!!
    Lovely photo too:)

  2. All the best for weigh-in. One's hard work will always pay off :).

  3. LOL at Nola with the "satisfaction" song.

    Sounds interesting, I think I have got to a place where I know what I should be doing, but maybe not? I'm toying with going back, not for weekly weign ins but to learn the new program.

  4. I'm so glad the satisfaction plan is going so well for you Jen!
    I just went back to WW yesterday, for the first time in about a year I think, and I love the look of the new program! I was always a No Count girl anyway, but mixing the two plans together is simply fantastic I think!
    You ae looking wonderful, and I love all the pics of the grandies, they just getting more gorgeous!
    Rae xx
