Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 2

Tonight was weigh in night...after my horror 2 weeks, I was hoping that after a entire week on track I would have a loss this week. I was happy to see the numbers go down and record a loss of 2.3 !! Now here's hoping I can duplicate this last week this coming week. I will be trying thats for sure. i will be definetly working on it. Excersise is my key...and I have been trying every morning to do 20 minutes of my accelerated walking dvd, looks like it has helped. On the weekend my g/f and I walk both days....over an hour on Saturday delivering pamplets and an on the Sunday a 45 to an hour walk, depending on what we have on.
On Saturday I went shopping earlier than normal and found the new jewellers open in my shopping center. They are the agents for Pandora....and I have been promising myself one for years, so I walked in and looked around and above is what I bought. I would have loved the combination gold/silver bracelet but that was too many $$'s with our holiday only a month away...but when this one is full I hope to have the dollars then. On Saturday with hubby's blessing I am buying 2 more charms.
Nothing else much happening. Shawn is going okay...he applied for a job, had an interview and is going to start soon on a trial I said it is up to him to rove what he is capable of. He came out here on Thursday evening and I noticed he had some cannabis. He told me he doesn't have to go to court monthly or have his urinalis tests anymore. What a shame I told him as they did keep him under some control. Also told him if he goes back to what he was like before I will wipe my hands on him....and I mean it. He has worked so hard to become a better person and has found Shaz and happiness again...would love to see him grow from there, not slide backwards and become that horrid useless person again.
Kylee rang on the weekend and wanted to know if I was interested in travelling overseas with her and some friends next year. Definetly I want to go....just don't want to go to Bali. We are talking Thailand, Figi, Singapore or Hong Kong. With my daughters love of tigers methinks we will end up in Thailand.
Anyways off outta here, early night for me tonight and I still have some scrabble games to play on Facebook.


  1. I have a Pandora bracelet as well and really love them.

    Your travel plans sound fun:-) We weren't that keen on Bali - well parts of it - did enjoy the beaches though.

  2. hi JEN !!
    i was blog-hopping and found this!
    awesome blog and i love your take on life and weight too of course!
    we're definitely have a never ending story on that but nevertheless we enjoy life as it is too!
    keep up the updates!
    will come back soon!

  3. woohooooooo well done hun xxxx and what a lovely pandora to!

    Erica xx

