Friday, October 29, 2010

Very quiet....

Its very quiet in blogging world or is it just me?

Know I am not a very social person, me and hubby don't have much of a social life, too darn tired after a long week of work anyways. People have been known to say we are boring....but heck its not we are anti-social...we both enjoy a good night out occassionaly and love nothing better than a night with good friends and a good ole chinwag. So am I boring I wonder ??
This week has been the week from has been craptastic..if there is such a word...but the crap part of it says it all. But despite the workload from hell I still managed a walk every day and I tracked every bite that went in my mouth. Menopause and those damn hot flushes plagued me all week I didn't know what to expect when I climbed on those demon scales last night. The hormones won....and the demons told me that AGAIN I had stayed the same!
The home front has been very quiet...Mr Troublesome has been no trouble...he is still for the others I haven't heard much at all. Kylee I have rang as we are trying to organise our mother/daughter trip to Phuket next year..all the special deals are just coming out....but I must ring Mr Simon...he has been very quiet! Paul works with hubby so know all well there and anyways Tanya and I talk to each other at least once a week.
Time to organise dinner....a steak and onion sandwich (with salad) ...yummoooo


  1. You are not boring at all. Blog land is quieter with a few of my favoureites not updating anymore.

    Please to hear all well with Shawn.

  2. Definitely not boring - as I said on my post this morning - I've been guilty of not commenting - just having a quick catch up read and racing on - and of course I hadn't posted in about 3 weeks. Like my mum always says - no news is good news and sometimes it's just so lovely to have a little oasis of peace with no dramas in our lives. Enjoy the weekend Zxx

  3. Hi Jen...yeah, I have just lost my blog mojo lately!! I will get back into it though. I am still sneaking about reading though and you are certainly not boring!!
