Tuesday, January 31, 2023

More sadness

 How much can one family take.

A week after cousin Ron was layed to rest his big brother Ray was killed very tragically. His family, his siblings and us his extended family are struggling big time. 

Ray and I were close. We grew up together in forestry settlements, his Dad and mine both working in the Forest Department. He was older, a bit older than my brother but he and I were still close but more so when we were older. He lived with me and hubby when we lived up North. Hubby was a mechanic for the Shire and Ray was the grader driver. Lots of memories of fishing and camping trips, sitting on the patio watching dust and lightning storms, bickering, arguing and laughing over the silliest things. He was the one that was there during moments where we needed someone to lean on. I’m going to miss those unexpected visits where he walked in and said “well missus you got the kettle on” and those long winded telephone calls….no wonder we called you “Windy”.

I’m not looking forward to that final goodbye.

I went down south on the weekend and spent time with my sister. A huge weekend of speedway was on so we were able to take our mind off the loss of Ray.

We had a good time, lots of sister talks, and wanders down memory lanes plus a few drinks consumed.

Did well….no over indulging so the scales said yesterday.

A stay the same which I’m happy with.

I’m trying to get more exercise in so walked this morning before work.  Yes…I’m retired and receive a pension but I’m still doing 11 hours a fortnight paid work which the government encourages. Helps with the pension, plus I get to interact with others and as hubby and I don’t go anywhere in the summer I’m hoping to have a little extra spending money when we do travel. 


  1. My heart goes out to you and your family! Hugs!

  2. I am sorry for your loss. Good that you got together with your sister. Being in a supportive environment when going through a loss is critical.
