Monday, December 30, 2024

Bring on 2025

 Well the New Year is nearly here and it’s time for me to pull up my big girl panties and lose some weight. It’s now 25 months since I bit the bullet and rejoined WW. 

This pic in the dress was one of the ones from when I started, the other is about where I am now. All up with WW this time I’ve lost 17 kilos’s but since June of this holiday (when we went on holidays) I have done nothing but yo-yo to the extent that as of this mornings weigh in I have regained 7 kilos. Christmas and chocolates and overeating all the yummies didn’t help. 

My biggest problem was I STOPPED TRACKING. I had a journal BUT I was not tracking the points of my food. I need to do that, I have always needed too. I enjoyed the break from the tracking but today I started again. Already I’ve realised how I managed to regain. I’ve consumed all my points already and I still have dinner to add ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคช That will be a 0 point meal ๐Ÿ˜˜

So today is day 1. (Wonder how many day 1’s I’ve had over the years of ww’ing?). I’ve walked 45 minutes. That I do most days and it’s just as well I kept that up otherwise I think the gain could have been a lot more. 

Big year coming up. Eye operations. Hand operations. Hopefully a holiday too. Won’t be a big one but do have something we want to do if we can fit it in between the operations. Will get a date for the cataract in middle January then we can possibly plan it. 

Had the best Christmas Day. We had open house. First up Kylee arrived with the kids…that’s the best part as they believe in Santa. Then niece and nephew and their families arrived for a visit. Then Simon and Tammy arrived, followed by Kylee’s girlfriend Jess and her kids. Then to top off the day our late son’s 3 kids arrived for a visit. It was wonderful. Lots of happy moments and memories. 

Bring on the new year, I am hoping it’s a good one. ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป

Monday, December 23, 2024

Monday again.

 Monday again…..but no weigh in. You know what that means ehhh ๐Ÿ˜˜.      Yep, I have been indulging. Not counting points or calories, just been eating. Yep, the scales will be up…..BUT at this point in time I just don’t care. I will deal with the consequences after Christmas. 

Kids are back from their Dads and we are counting down to Christmas Day, the kids especially Summer are getting excited.  

I’m ready, gifts are all wrapped, most are under the tree. Most of the food has been bought. Just fruit and some veg, whipping cream and a few bits and pieces to buy and I’m done. I’m working in the morning so I will get them then. I’ve got the kids after work while Kylee does a shift and planning to take them to the movies to see Moana 2. 

Anyways till next time…..

Monday, December 16, 2024

Weigh in day

Right….first up my grandies and why you mostly only see the little ones. 

I have a blended family. Both hubby and I had been married before, and been together now nearly 44 years. He had a son Paul and a daughter Rosemary, and I had Simon ( they were 10, 7 and 6 when we got together) and then we had Shawn and Kylee. They all grew up together and were very close.

Anyhow Paul’s kids, after he passed away we don’t see a lot of them at all. Busy with their mother’s side of the family, work and friends. They have grown so much since Paul died. Caitlin is 22, Ashlee 20 and Matthew 16. His eldest Luke is 28 and lives in Perth. 

Simons kids since the very nasty breakdown of his marriage we don’t see much of at all either.  The eldest 2 girls sided with their mother after their breakup and they don’t have anything to do with their Dad, but the 2 boys do. They stay in touch with us too and visit occasionally. Boys are 18 and 19. Girls 21 and 22. 

Shawn lives with us as does his eldest daughter Skye. I see the others except the youngest who still lives with his foster mother. Jaydene, Shawn’s 2nd born has just graduated high school and is the mother of my only great grandchild Jahzara. Shayden (3rd child) is still at school and lives with his mum. 

And Kylee as you know has the 2 little ones. 

Yeah…..the Waltons we are not!! 

Families can be complicated. 

Saw my surgeon re my hands and the Dupuyten’s Contracture. He’s going to my left hand which is the worst on April 29th next year, the earliest I can be done. It’s a day surgery. 

Weigh in day. 400g loss.

I’m happy with that after the horror week I had a fortnight ago. This last week I’ve stuck to plan and I feel better for it. 

Below is William after they came runner up in the soccer grand final. It was a hard fought battle but unfortunately there can only be 1 winning team. 

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Sunday today…

 Tomorrow SHOULD be my weigh in day but I’ve had a horror week and I think…no I know that if I weigh in the number would do my head in. So…tomorrow is a no weigh.

Also tomorrow morning I’m off to see specialist about my Dupuytren Contracture in my hands. The last few weeks they have got worse. Be very interesting to see what he is going to say and do. I’ll keep you informed. 

School finishes for the year on Thursday. The kids had their last assembly and awards presentation on Friday. Speaking to Williams teacher after the awards and she said he was so close to getting the academic award for his year but his writing let him down,  he knows that too….  He knows he has done well over the year, he has had his work acknowledged with merit certificates plus all his Children’s University acknowledgements. 

For the past 8 or 9 weeks William has been playing evening soccer. After a try out he was selected from a bunch of Under 11 girls and boys from various teams in the league he plays for.  His team has done really well considering all but 2 of them had never played together before. Last week I went and watched and I’ll be going this week too as his team is in the Grand Final. It’s an awesome achievement by the boys and girls. Well done to the coaches too who have all donated their time to the kids who just want to play soccer all year round.

The local news station heard about it and took some footage. William is in the footage, yellow and blue shirt, #17 

Let’s hope this works, ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Dragging my feet ….

 Dragging my feet this week with my weigh in result. 

Another 400g gain…why I don’t know as looking through my diary I was on track. But it is what it is…. ๐Ÿ˜˜

BUT it did my head in and this Monday, Tuesday and today I am floundering. Heck with all the years I have been “dieting” you’d think I would be able to deal with the scale results. All it does is cause me overindulge for half the week and pull my head in the rest of the week and eat a calorie controlled diet…and hopefully no damage caused on the scale come the next weigh in ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️

One thing I have done consistently is write in my diary. It’s day 38 today…and I have done a jabberwalk. Didn’t want to as my feet were sooooooo sore but I did. Worked yesterday morning, even did overtime….then worked again last night setting up the Christmas trees for the centre. 15,200 steps…ughhhh no wonder my tootsies ached. 

Ohhhh my grandies had their Santa pics done on Saturday. Wonder how much longer Master nearly 11year old will want to keep this tradition up?? 

Anyways will leave you with their cuteness ๐Ÿ˜˜

Monday, November 25, 2024

Back again…

 Gee sometimes the weeks go by so quick, before I know it I’m standing on those demon scales of mine for my weekly weigh in. Had a heck of a week, what with sabotaging myself, Skye’s 21st, and a babysitting gig among that as well.  Anyways, weigh in wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, just a 400g gain….I expected a lot more. 

Today I’ve been babysitting so a few treats have passed those lips of mine….but I’ve not been too bad. One thing that has saved me is that I do not eat after 7pm. I started doing it in my personal challenge, I set it as a goal….and that’s one goal I have mostly achieved. Only times I haven’t has been Skye’s 21st dinner and when I overnighted with my sister.

I am counting down to my specialist appointments. First one thankfully is in a couple of weeks and that’s for my Dupuytrens Contracture in my fingers. I can’t tell you how many times I have dropped things because my fingers aren’t gripping. Or I can’t grip to open jars or bottles. I’ve also had to taken my wedding rings off that finger is starting to contract too ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•

I can tell you I’m not liking it at all. But not long now as we will see what’s to be done. 

Eyes, meaning cataracts, will be next after the fingers. Hopefully all my ducks will line up in a row ๐Ÿชฟ๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿชฟ๐Ÿฆ†๐Ÿชฟ๐Ÿฆ† and appointments will go smoothly and I can both hands and eyes done and recover before we hit the road come winter. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

One little treat….

 One little treat won’t hurt I said to myself…..but it did ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

That one little treat led to another, then another …… and then onto the next day ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️

It didn’t help that I forgot my thyroid medication for those 2 days…..but I’m not blaming that. ONLY MYSELF to blame. 

Now it’s Wednesday, and yes I’m back on track but I feel like shit and so disappointed in myself. It’s Skye’s 21st birthday tomorrow and she had asked if we could all go out for Chinese on her birthday so I’d booked us in to a restaurant. I WAS going to treat myself then….but ohhh Lordy…๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Why do I do this to myself??

Anyways what’s done is done and moving on now. I’ll keep on writing in my diary, I’ll keep on tracking and enjoy tomorrow night and move on and see what the rest of the week brings. 

Weigh in was a 200g loss. It could have been more off but I had a couple of higher calorie meals during the week. BUT I was happy with the loss. 

I’ll keep on plodding away. My kids have said to me many times not to worry about my weight so much, just go and enjoy life. But my knee and my feet won’t let me, my weight effects them so the more weight I get off the less pressure I put on them ehhh….

Monday, November 11, 2024

Weigh in day


After my weigh in last week I went a little bit……well more than a bit overboard and ate too much. AND that was despite writing in my diary that I WOULD NOT do that. So I owned up and wrote I failed my goals that day. 
Come Tuesday I went to work and was offered breakfast by the cafe. Ughhhh need I say I accepted although I had written my goals in my diary AND a cafe breakfast was not included. Anyways… day went pear shaped from there. I was not happy with myself at all!!!
Wednesday morning I wrote down my goals for the day and set about trying to reset myself. And I’m very happy and proud of myself because I did. And the rest of the week followed according to plan.
Weigh in today was a 700g loss.
What it could have been if I hadn’t of detoured for those 2 days. 
It hasn’t been an easy week….lots going on. My brother in law had a minor stroke and is in hospital, my granddaughter injured herself and needed a Doctors visit and time off work. 
I got my Specialist appointment for my Dupuytren’s contracture in early December. Be interesting to see what he has to say. Also got an eye specialist appointment in early January. A eye test I recently had showed I didn’t need new glasses but that I needed surgery to get rid of a cataract that was causing problems. My optician had been keeping a close eye on it.

Anyways that’s it, I start work early in the morning so it’s time I moved and got myself organised and ready for bed. 
Goodnight. ๐Ÿ˜ด 

Monday, November 04, 2024

One week down

 My countdown to Christmas is going well. 

I’ve used my diary everyday, writing in every morning my goal for the day and then every evening what I have achieved during the day. 

I’m proud of myself. Also proud that on the weekend I travelled down to my home town to see a bestie and also spend the rest of the time with my sister. 

It was wonderful, I hadn’t seen her for a few months, what with her hubby being ill, me and hubby travelling then ourselves being ill… so we had a bit to catch up on. It was wonderful. We had a few drinks, a few nibbles…healthy ones of course…and a lovely meal. 

With travelling my goal was no snacking in car ✅ 

Sugar free alcohol drinks only ✅ 

Drink only water there and back ✅

SO I was happy I achieved those.

Something must have worked as I lost 600g this week. 

Today, I’m struggling a little but I’m trying hard to stick to my goal today. 

Right…time to put dinner in oven. 

Monday, October 28, 2024


 I’ve had a horror week and it showed big time on the scales this morning….1.5 gain ๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ No one to blame except for myself. And I’ve got no excuse. Self sabotaging at its best. Don’t know why I do it to myself, but I do time and time again. 

I’m up early this morning, going for a walk with my jabberwalk bestie. Will get a good start to the day and hopefully keep up the effort all day. 

Was looking on my ww site for a countdown to Christmas challenge but I couldn’t find one so I’m going to challenge myself….I am sure Deb (my walking buddy) will join me too. I’ve found myself a diary and after my walk I’m going to rule it up and set myself a challenge a day all based on staying on track and not self indulging. I’ll start it on 1st November and keep it up till Christmas Eve. There will be occasional hiccups I know, like my granddaughters 21st which is a month away, overnight visit to my sister, speedway events but they will be marked in diary and we will work around them. Plus my health issues….knee and feet. 

It’s a big challenge to MYSELF. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

I’m back again….

 Gee another week has rolled on by. The older you get the quicker they roll on by I think. And I haven’t been doing anything much, just pottering around home doing bits and pieces. Still feeling the after effects from the dreaded “lurgy” but slowly I’m on the improve. I’ve had a few relapses but this week with a bit warmer weather I think I moving slowly forward. My jabberbuddy is back from a few weeks away and is keen to start walking again so I’m looking forward to getting moving again. Want to keep walking as long as I can while I still can 

I have Dupuytrens Contracture in my hands and some signs of it are showing up in my feet AND then there’s my knee to throw into the mix ๐Ÿ˜

My hands are not effecting me too much as yet, it’s annoying,  but my Dr has booked me into a specialist and I see him in December so we’ll see what the out come is. We have been watching the progress of it for years and not much can be done till it gets to where we are at now. 

Right…weight in this week…..1.2 kilo off

Time to start organising dinner. See you next week. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Monday, October 14, 2024

Ohhhh my……

 Another week has flown by…..and ohh my this one has been a disaster. Had a relapse with this lurgy and spent a couple of days feeling sick again. NOT sick enough to eat myself silly though …… those darn emotions. One day maybe I will STOP ๐Ÿ›‘ eating my emotions. 

On top of the lurgy, I walked under a tree and managed to scrape my head on a sharp branch and give myself an egg on the head, as well as a cut plus a headache that lasted 2 days. Not impressed ๐Ÿ˜

Anyways all the eating turned into a 2 kilo gain. One day I will learn that food may make me feel better at the time but constant eating doesn’t !! 

Monday, October 07, 2024

Another week…

 The last few days I have been feeling heaps better….thankfully…as it’s been 3 weeks of feeling horrid. I’ve still a bit of a cough but I’m starting to feel human again. Appetite the last few days has been nearly back to normal and the scales showed a 400g gain. I expected that after weeks of hardly eating then starting to eat “normally” again. Haven’t been doing the exercise to burn the calories have I? 

Today I drove down to Busselton to catch up with a cousin. When we went on holidays we took some of her Dad’s ashes with us as Billie-Jean wanted them released in her Dads (and ours) fishing spot. I made up a little scrapbook as a momento for her with some pics and descriptions of where it was and she loved it. Hopefully she will get there one day to see it herself and the remembrance plaque for Ray we put up. 

Whilst in Busselton I asked my brother to join us. I didn’t know if he would, I was hoping he was having a good day and could. Rod has early onset dementia and luckily today was a good day. It’s so bloody hard watching him slowly deteriorate. Thankfully, so far, the horrid disease is slow moving….pray it stays that way. 

Been a big day, think I might have over done it….so it’s goodnight from me. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Another week

 Slowly getting back to normal….

All tests show NOT Covid, just a horrid virus.  Just about back to normal other than a cough…but even that is better than what it was. Food has some taste again, atm eating what we feel like but watching portions. Hopefully in the next day or so I can start tracking and counting points again. Weigh in this morning…..a sts. 

A face change pic ….. over 3 years difference. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 Most of last week I was sick with a horrid virus. 

It was terrible, killer headache, chills and temps, a cough, lethargy, my body ached right down to the bones and just had no appetite. Food had no taste anyway. 

This week it’s still lingering on…but thankfully I’m moving around now. Still not much of an appetite but I can at least taste it now. 

Anyways a 1.5 k loss

And being sick helped the scales move downwards again. 

Not much else happening really. I’m babysitting William and Summer all morning this week whilst Mum works. Kids are on school holidays atm. 

Dinner to cook, best move. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

No loss…..

 But no gain either……a sts said those demon scales of mine this morning, better than a gain I guess ๐Ÿ˜

I haven’t been over indulging, but I haven’t been 100% committed either. AND I haven’t been exercising a lot either, my knee has been giving me a bit of grief so I’ve  not been walking as much. Stayed off it over the weekend and walked this morning and it wasn’t too bad. 

Not much been happening, been a quiet week really. The weather has been glorious so I’ve managed to get out in the garden a bit. Spring has sprung I think. Plants are budding or in flower…and a walk around our block showed that all the native orchids are out.

I love this time of the year ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ˜

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Ok…Blogger working for me today, tried earlier on in the week and it was having a hissy fit….

Weigh in was Monday….a stay the same on the scales. I nearly had one of those hissy fits myself as I had stuck to the plan. But I didn’t as the previous 2 weeks I’d had good losses….so hopefully this week if I stick to plan I’ll have another good loss…or at least a loss.

Today I think spring has finally sprung here. The sun is shining, the sky is blue. I’ve just had a good walk around my garden and saw some of my succulents are budding, my petticoat daffodils are budding and some of my orchids have flowered ☺️

Little Miss Summers class hosted the last school assembly, they did an awesome job and their little song was just beautiful. She was also awarded a merit certificate for her hard work in the classroom. 

And speaking of her….i must away and have some lunch as I’m due at the school in 45 minutes to pick her and her brother up. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Another week begins

Another week begins.
Another loss this week of 900g so I’m slowly losing the weight I gained while we were travelling. Still a few more kilos to go yet. I’m back at work a few hours a week again plus I’m jabberwalking with my bestie when I can. Trying to keep motivated but I’m struggling with “jet lag”. Still coming down from the high from our trip. Some days it’s hard to find the motivation to just do ordinary everyday things but each day I’m pushing myself to get out of “holiday mode” and get on with things. 
It’s great to see and be near the grandies again. Soccer was on the weekend so went and watched my boy strut his stuff on the soccer pitch. He’s a great player, love watching him. 
I’ll leave you with some gorgeous scenery…the ranges in the Northern Territory are incredible to drive through.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Another week….

Every road we travelled on our 8 weeks away there was something to see. 16,700 kilometres we travelled and we saw so much. I loved it all and would do it all again. 

But since being back I am so lacking energy, some days I can hardly get out of my own way…I keep telling hubby I’m suffering from jet lag…that’s what it feels like. We did go through a few time zones but not that quickly.……

Anyways this week I have managed 4 jabberwalks with my girlfriend. The weather hasn’t been the best, we’ve missed the rain most days, only had to cancel one walk. 

All going well. Scales were very good this week, I lost 900g. Need to keep that up, I’m wanting to get back to where I was before we went away asap so I can continue the journey down. I think my ww contract runs out in November so I’ll have to keep an eye out for deals as I’m going to continue doing what I’m doing. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

100 grams

 A 100g loss this week. Sadly it could have been more BUT I over indulged ALL weekend. The weather was wet, constant continuous rain all weekend. Kids soccer matches were cancelled due to the pitches being under water. I went out with Kylee and kids Saturday morning to a science fair but on arriving home sat in my chair in front of fire and read….and ate….    Grrrrrrr I’m really kicking myself as I had been so good till then, even back to my jabberwalking. Makes me wonder how much I could have lost if I hadn’t had an attack of the munchies. 

Wildflowers are out in abundance atm…

Monday, August 12, 2024

Snack Attack

Mmmmmm weigh in day…another gain. Too much takeaway and salty snacks over the weekend and the scales didn’t like me.

Ive got the grandkids today while mum works, it’s a school development day. It’s cold, wet and miserable today but will try and get out and do something with them. 

I was going through my camera and discovered these awesome pics of brolgas dancing in outback Queensland. It was amazing, the 1st time I’d ever seen them do this dance so I’m happy my pics turned out.

Right…best get organised, kids will be here soon.

See you next week, hopefully lighter than I am now. 

Friday, August 09, 2024

I’m back

 I’m back.

The trip was fantastic. The 16,000+ kilometres and nearly 8 weeks of it. Hubby and I loved catching up with some friends on our travels. We had the best time ๐Ÿ˜Š

I’d do it all again tomorrow……mmmm maybe not tomorrow, next week though as I need a few more cuddles with my grandies first ๐Ÿ˜˜

Travelling across the Nullarbor 

The water, the trees and the hills

There she blows…

Sunset on a river bank 

Love the rivers and flowing water 

Another river bank 

Camp on the beach 


Another sunset

And now I’m home the ww start again. I gained 4.5k while away, I did think it would be more as I did drink wine or beer most nights ๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿป

Right…it’s time to get up and moving.
Still some unpacking to do and catching up on things. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Last weigh in


This weekend we hit the road…across the Nullarbor we will go. Planning on 3 long days of driving to get us across and into places we haven’t travelled.  Bring it on ☺️

We are 95% packed. I’ve a few things ready in the house to go pack into vehicle. Doctor visit tomorrow to get my thyroid meds and some painkillers just in case knee plays up. 

Then it’s wait till Shawn and Skye get home. Thursday he pulls out of Shark Bay, and will be calling into Kalbarri to go do some crabbing if he can. A lot of rain there so whether he will be able to without getting bogged…who knows. 

Anyway, last weigh yesterday, 400g down. Hopefully I don’t have anymore days like today where I’ve eaten way way too much. 

Feeling very emotional. One of Kylee’s good friends lost her dear little boy in an accidental drowning. They are a beautiful family and are feeling for them all. 

Also today I was given some of my cousins ashes to take with us, so on the way home in August we can stop at his, and our, favourite fishing spot and sprinkle them into the water. I’m also placing a plaque up there too in memory of him. Heck I miss that man.

Right…I’ll be back eventually. 

Don’t think I’ll be posting whilst on the road. I might just so I can record some favourite places…but we’ll see. 

Monday, June 03, 2024

Bad weather

 The last few weeks we have had some awful weather on and off. Huge storm on Saturday night where Bunbury, which is 20k’s from my location, had ANOTHER tornado. Just a few weeks ago in Bunbury during another storm they had one form and wreck havoc. Scary thing was that first tornado William was meant to be training for Country Week trials in Soccer. Coaches canceled the training due to lightning being forecast. That tornado went across the pitch where they would have been training. 

Anyways we been lucky here, no damage, a few branches off trees is all. 

This is a pic that someone took of the tornado. They are scary, I know as 6 years ago in the middle of the night we had a tornado that went through 200 hundreds meters from our house. The noise it made woke us up. It was a sound I can tell you I never want to hear again, so eerie. Hubby and I hid in our walk in robe, the safest place with no windows. Next morning our yard was covered with debri, twisted off branches, guttering from houses, roofing, just so much debris. Quite a few houses destroyed including our neighbours at the back of us 300 metres away. 

Anyways, weather has cleared up a bit today but more bad weather due Wednesday night/Thursday morning.

In under 2 weeks we hit the road, can’t wait. I’m mostly packed and ready to roll. One of my friends in NSW is our first stop, so excited to see her. 

Right, work in morning, early start to I’m out of here.

Baby sat this munchkin today while mummy worked for a few hours. We had a great day. William was at his best friends, it was his friends birthday today. 

Ohhhh, weigh in today, 400 gram gone, I’m finally back to my lowest weight from 5 or 6 weeks ago.