To my wonderful friends here on my computer, espesially here in bloogger land...thank you for all your support and friendship over the year.
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas....the bestest one ever!
So far today I have had the greatest day....its been wonderful sharing my day with all my family.
After working all day Friday I spent till 11pm last night preparing food, cleaning plus wrapping pressies. Then I was up at 6am this morning finishing off .... but all my efforts paid off, it was good..I am stuffed!!
And pffffft ..... I did say I was going to eat and drink in moderation today and count points!! Guess what??
I DIDN'T !!!!
I tried....but all good intentions...blah blah blah.....
Tomorrow I promise I will be back on track.
Merry Christmas Jen, I'm glad you had a lovely day, you deserved it!