Friday, December 31, 2010
Last day of 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010
How Much ??

ahhhh well....got a week to get my shit together and see what I can do by next weigh in!
Have had a good day...been on track, been using my tracker...and now off to do kitchen duties...then my stint on my ab machine.....then its off to bed for me.
Work tomorrow, should be an early finish, then 3 days off....
night night
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Gonna stay on track

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A better day
Had a lot better day today. Started off with over an hour walk with my buddy.
Food wise, I have stuck to eating the usual filling/satisfing foods....and they have seemed to satisfy me more today. Had a few nibbles at things that I shouldn't have but other than that have been on track.
Tomorrow its back to work for me so I'll drag that tracker out and start the planning and tracking like I should have done today.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Started the day off well
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Feeling a bit sore....
Was out walking early this morning and a big banksia tree fell just in front of me....branches knocked my glasses off my face, grazed my left shoulder and other scratches and bruises are making themselves known to me now. Luckily some other walkers came along just after and found my glasses....one lens had popped out but they found that too (thank heavens as the glasses are just new) and popped it back in. No damage done to them, not even a scratch on the lens thankfully. I am a very very lucky lady, the tree was a old and large, if it had hit me I wouldn't be here now.
All on track today and hopefully to stay there too....
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas....the bestest one ever!
After working all day Friday I spent till 11pm last night preparing food, cleaning plus wrapping pressies. Then I was up at 6am this morning finishing off .... but all my efforts paid off, it was good..I am stuffed!!
And pffffft ..... I did say I was going to eat and drink in moderation today and count points!! Guess what??
I DIDN'T !!!!
I tried....but all good intentions...blah blah blah.....
Tomorrow I promise I will be back on track.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
BUGGER !!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
going well

I had my first chat with my ww At Home consultant this morning and have my first consult and wi on January 5th..
I am hoping tomorrow is my last day at work before Christmas...was told it will be BUT things can change with a click of the fingers out there....fingers crossed. Its getting late so time for me to head off to my bed.... night night
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Another day...
Tomorrow I am ringing ww to set up a appointment for my 1st consult.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Learning propoints

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Early Christmas
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Just a quick post

The one day I wanted to finish early and I had to work all day...it was a long tiring and busy day.....so now I am off to bed....nite nite xx
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Late start Wednesday

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Early finish Tuesday
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday ....
Left for work on time but due to roadworks arrived at work 5 minutes later than normal, so had to rush around getting the machines all up and ready to go...but I got there. Tomorrow I'll leave a little earlier !
Tried Special K chocolae flakes for breakkie this morning, very chocolatey, tasty and filling. Love my chocolate but seemed very strange eating it for breakkie :-)
Tuna, sliced plastic cheese and crackers followed by a tub of yogurt for lunch.
Finish work an hour earlier so that gave me time to zip into Bunbury and pick up Skye's chrissy present from Shawn ready for him to give on Saturday. Its his access visit and his and the kids Chrissy day....so should be fun. Any idea's as to what to give them for their lunch?
I also picked up to two wii games, one each for Caitlin & Ashlee (Paul's girls) as Santa is giving them a wi for chrissy. Stopped at the post office and picked up a couple of postage bags, my job this evening is to wrap a few pressies and prepare for posting ofter work tomorrow.
Just finished a yummy scotch fillet steak, a half of potato, slice of pumpkin and other vegies for dinner.
Off to make a coffee now....
cyaaa tomorrow....
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday evening.
Skye had a great evening, slept all night and woke up at nearly 7.30 and then devoured 2 boiled eggs and toast soldiers !
Hannah rang me later on in the morning and said she would be a little late in picking up Skye as her house was broken into last night and had to wait for the police.
Shawn rang soon after and said he had just had a phone call from Hannah and she asked him where he was last night, virtually accusing him of breaking in and trashing her place.
Welllll boy was I fuming...when she did get here I let her have it both barrels....I was not happy!! How dare she?
The avo is still in place, Shawn is not allowed any contact with her, be within 100 meters of her house BUT she is allowed to do whatever!
After she left, I quickly dashed off into town again....and completed Kylee and Stephens chrissy parcel...that will be posted tomorrow. Just about done now...happy about that.
Another day all on track....that halo of mine is starting to glow!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Counting down

Friday, December 03, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010
Long weekend
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I nailed it !!!

Friday, November 19, 2010
I bit the bullet....

I love the meeting I go to now, its different, its relaxed and more social than any other group I have been too so I thought I'd make my At Home weigh in the same day as my group weigh in.
And while on the subject of the "At Home" program I quite often get on the ww community boards and my favourite for the last 5 or more years has been the At Home one. Over the years I have been "chatting" regulary with a few of them....and after all this time 5 of us are all getting together and having a "meet and greet" in Perth next Friday. I am so looking forward to that, I organised the day off weeks ago.
And talking about weigh ins...I went to mine last night and the results were NOT good. I gained 1.2 kilo's...sheeeeeeez!! I was hoping I had at least stayed the same but despite all my efforts of counting my points and tracking 100% I was disappointed. I did have a blow out last Thursday night, plus had 2 pieces of cake at the 60th on Saturday night....and for the rest of the week I walked everyday and had 18 to 20 points.

Friday, November 12, 2010
Damn it !!

Saturday, November 06, 2010
Kids today
Friday, November 05, 2010
The shit has hit the fan....
His house was broken in to on Thursday and with that something clicked inside his head, he got angry, got drinking and the temper exploded. It scared his Shaz and she left him as she was scared today, Shawn then drank some more, got picked up by the police for drunk and disorderly conduct and I now have him here. He is a mess...a blubbering trembling crying mess. Think finally the truth has sunk in. I went and saw his lady today, and she thinks she'll give him a second chance, she loves him...but there will be conditions. I think he'll do anything to win her back...I have never seen him in this state before.
god my stomach is a big quivering mess of jelly....I am so scared for him. Know what ever he did has scared Shaz, and I know what he is can be capable of, and so was Shaz as she has seen him like this before, but I am so scared .... scared that he'll fail again...and that I will lose him all together....
All these months and only a few minor hiccups with him and now this....was I expecting too much...god damn it, I was.
good news..lost 500g at weigh in last night.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Very quiet....

Friday, October 22, 2010
I nearly had some time off...luckily I can handle a car well as driving home on Wednesday evening in the drizzling rain a kangaroo jumped out of the bush, onto the road and then landed fair square on the middle of my bonnet, bounced off through the force of hitting my car over the roof and just missed the car following me. I was turning off the highway and just entered a exit to cross the dual highway onto the road I live on so thankfully I had reduced my speed. The damage could have been so much worse. After crossing the highway...I stopped and checked the car, the car following me also stopped and made sure I and the car were okay too. No other damage to the car other than the bonnet so I drove the remaining 2 k's home.
Hubby arrived home about 10 minutes after me and on handing him his cuppa I said you better come and have a look at this.....and showed him the car. Without saying a word...he reached into his car and handed me this gorgeous rose bush....
....how sweet is he? As he said these things do happen, I was okay and that was the main thing. Anyways...a new bonnet will be on the car tomorrow.
Weigh in was last night....stayed the same....can't complain about that as I have had a week of not tracking properly...very complacent after last weeks big loss I think.
Tomorrow morning instead of walking I am trying zumba for the first time.....should be a laugh, believe me I am not very co-ordinated.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Shawn
Above for those that haven't seen on Facebook is the result of my pampering session at the hairdressers. I am happy with the result I think. Still tending to think the red is a bit too red...still needs to be lightened some....and I think I will get it a little shorter next time.
With me is Skye.....she spent Saturday shopping with me and then overnighted...I took her back on Sunday. Just loved having some one on one with her.
Work has been frantic....lots of staying back playing catch ups...hopefully they will get extra staff so we don't have to work so damn hard.
And to finish....weigh in was last night....I am one very happy girl....I LOST 1.5 KILO'S .... how good is that ???
Friday, October 08, 2010
Its been a long week

Friday, October 01, 2010
I didn't .....
Shawn ... and Hannah....had to go to court today...DCP are applying to have their kids remaining in their custody for ANOTHER 2 years. Bloody hell...Shawn was gobsmacked and very upset, but so proud of him too as he didn't go looking for the drugs to dull the hurt like he usually does! He still does use them BUT happy to say nowhere near as much or as often as he used too. I would love him to quit them all together but what he has done is great. Anyways Shawn is going to legal aide on Monday and is going to apply for aide to help him with this DCP application.....Hannah already has a lawyer.
I have put up a few pictures of the wildflowers on our block....they are fantastic this year. A lot of orchids....more than we had in previous years.
Friday, September 24, 2010
In the past

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My bro
Friday, September 17, 2010
This week
Had a quiet weekend and a lovely friend call in for a visit. Sharon and I met when she started working at the farm where I am about 6 years ago. She left a few years back and moved up to Kojonup and we have stayed in contact. I learnt earlier on this year she lost one of her sons in a car accident but I hadn't managed to see her until she called in on Saturday. Poor love I really felt for her, its hard to lose someone you love, espesially your own child. All I could do was hug her, wipe her tears. Having been in her shoes with the loss of our Rosemary I knew I couldn't take away her pain but I could listen as she talked.
Sharon stayed for for 3 hours or so and the next day I got a lovely text message from her to say she had arrived back home and thanked me for being there for her.

Kylee rang me on Monday asking me if I wanted some really really good news, she sounded so excited. And yeahhh it was good news. Jemma...Kylee's childhood friend (she was a bridesmaid at her wedding) had rang her and told her she was expecting her 1st child. Jemma is the daughter of our best friends (who I posted a pic of in my last post) so of course I had to ring Tina and congratulate her and ask was it going to effect our holiday to Tassie. Of course if Jemma was due around that time we would have had to change dates....but the bub is about 6 weeks after we get home. This will be Tina and Grants 2nd granchild...their son and daughter in law had a baby a month after we got back from our NT holiday...coincidence ehhh??
Deepest sympathy to my blogger friend Anne on the loss of her beloved hubby Peter.
Anne and Peter did call in for a visit, chat and a cuppa, when they did their tour of the south west earlier on this year . You're in Ted and mine thoughts every step of the way Anne.
And to finish off....last night was weigh in night...goodbye was said to 600grams.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Another loss...
Above is a pic of me, hubby & Tina and Grant. Tina & Grant are our best friends...and our travelling companions. We did our Northern Territory together last year and next year they will driving across the nullabour with us and hopping on the Spirit of Tasmania and touring Tassie with us. Geeeeeeee the time is going by quickly, I can still remember us sitting around a camp fire on our trip last year planning this trip. Grant & Tina are coming down from Geraldton this month for a quick visit and we will finalise a few more little details.
Nothing much has been happening. Shawn still looking for work...thankfully Shaz is working. Paul has the flu and has had to have days off, Simon is busily rounding up addresses, his and Tracey wedding invites are being made shortly....and Kylee is looking forward to our Tassie trip too coz that means daddy & mummy will be in Melbourne with her again.
Friday, September 03, 2010
That time again...

I really like this new meeting I go too. It is the Karkana Klub, it is affliated with WW Australia but our meetings are a lot more "user" friendly. The meetings are based on the principal of "Group Therapy", people who have the same problem and discussing it frankly without fear of being laughed at or misunderstood. We are urged through incentives and encouragement to lose excess weight sensibly...no gimmicks and fads.
Today has been a longggggggggggg day...2 hours overtime added on to a busy busy day ! A lot of hard yakka I did do today, I am tired! If I had known the day was going to be like that I would have stayed in bed longer and not gone walking. mmmmm but then again now the mornings are not so dark I am really starting to enjoy my walks agin....its a beautiful time of the morning. Tomorrow morning a lay in bed for me I think.....I will be walking at 8am with a girlfriend, I help her deliver pamphlets and catch up on all our gossip..our "jabberwalk" we call it !
All quiet on the home front...shhhhhhhhhh lets see how long it stays like that !
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Going down.....
Anyways it is getting late for me....best finish this cuppa and head to bed....guess it will be another busy day at the farm.
ohhhh I lost 500g tonight...happy with that with all the "snacks" I was eating.....here's to another good week ......